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Devotionals: The Valley of Vision

O GOD OF TRUTH, I thank thee for the holy Scriptures,     their precepts, promises, directions, light. In them may I learn more of Christ,   be enabled to retain his truth   and have grace to follow it. Help me to lift up the gates of my soul     that he may come in   and show me himself […]


O GOD, I know that I often do thy work         without thy power,   and sin by my dead, heartless, blind service,     my lack of inward light, love, delight,     my mind, heart, tongue moving       without thy help. I see sin in my heart in seeking the approbation     of others; This is my vileness, to make men’s […]


BLESSED SPIRIT OF GOD, Four evils attend my ministry —       The devil treads me down by   discouragement and shame     arising from coldness in private meditation. Carelessness possesses me   from natural dullness and dimness of spirit;     because in the past I have met with success       and been highly regarded,     so that it does not matter if […]


O GOD, MY EXCEEDING JOY, Singing thy praises uplifts my heart,     for thou art a fountain of delight,       and dost bless the soul that joys in thee. But because of my heart’s rebellion I cannot always praise thee as I ought; Yet I will at all times rest myself in   thy excellences, goodness, and loving-kindness. […]


O MY LORD, Let not my ministry be approved only by men,       or merely win the esteem and affections         of people; But do the work of grace in their hearts,   call in thy elect,   seal and edify the regenerate ones,   and command eternal blessings on their souls. Save me from self-opinion and self-seeking; Water the […]


MY MASTER GOD, I am desired to preach today,       but go weak and needy to my task; Yet I long that people might be edified     with divine truth,   that an honest testimony might be borne     for thee; Give me assistance in preaching and prayer,   with heart uplifted for grace and unction. Present to my view […]


UNCHANGEABLE JEHOVAH When I am discouraged in my ministry         and full of doubts of my self,   fasten me upon the rock of thy eternal election,     then my hands will not hang down,     and I shall have hope for myself and others. Thou dost know thy people by name,   and wilt at the appointed season     lead […]


GLORIOUS AND HOLY GOD, Provocations against thy divine majesty have       filled my whole life. My offences have been countless and aggravated.   Conscience has rebuked me,   friends have admonished me,   the examples of others have reproached me,   thy rod has chastised me,   thy kindnesses allured me. Thou hast seen and abhorred all my sins and   couldst […]


CREATOR AND REDEEMER GOD, Author of all existence, source of all       blessedness, I adore thee for making me capable of knowing thee,   for giving me reason and conscience,   for leading me to desire thee; I praise thee for the revelation of thyself in     the gospel,   for thy heart as a dwelling place of pity,   for […]


BENIGN LORD, I praise thee continually for permission     to approach thy throne of grace,     and to spread my wants and desires       before thee. I am not worthy of thy blessings and mercies   for I am far gone from original righteousness; My depraved nature reveals itself in disobedience     and rebellion; My early days discovered in me […]


O GOD OF GRACE, I bewail my cold, listless, heartless prayers;     their poverty adds sin to sin. If my hope were in them I should be undone, But the worth of Jesus perfumes my feeble     breathings, and wins their acceptance. Deepen my contrition of heart, Confirm my faith in the blood that washes     from all […]


O THOU GIVING GOD, My heart is drawn out in thankfulness         to thee, for thy amazing grace and condescension     to me   in influences and assistances of thy Spirit,   for special help in prayer,   for the sweetness of Christian service,   for the thoughts of arriving in heaven,   for always sending me needful supplies,   for raising me […]


ALMIGHTY GOD, I am loved with everlasting love,     clothed in eternal righteousness,       my peace flowing like a river,       my comforts many and large,       my joy and triumph unutterable,       my soul lively with a knowledge of salvation,       my sense of justification unclouded. I have scarce anything to pray for; Jesus smiles upon my soul as a […]


O LORD, When the world’s unbelievers reject thee,       and are so forsaken by thee   that thou callest them no more,   it is to thine own thou dost turn,   for in such seasons of general apostasy   they in some measure backslide with the world. O how free is thy grace   that reminds them of the danger […]


O GOD, Thy main plan, and the end of thy will       is to make Christ glorious and beloved         in heaven   where he is now ascended,   where one day all the elect will behold his glory   and love and glorify him for ever. Though here I love him but little,   may this be my portion at […]
