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Devotionals: The Valley of Vision

O SPIRIT OF GOD, Help my infirmities;       When I am pressed down with a load     of sorrow,   perplexed and knowing not what to do,   slandered and persecuted,   made to feel the weight of the cross,     help me, I pray thee. If thou seest in me   any wrong thing encouraged,   any evil desire cherished,   any delight […]


GLORIOUS GOD, It is the flame of my life to worship thee,     the crown and glory of my soul to adore thee,     heavenly pleasure to approach thee. Give me power by thy Spirit to help me     worship now,   that I may forget the world,     be brought into fullness of life,     be refreshed, comforted, blessed. Give […]


ETERNAL FATHER, Thou art good beyond all thought,       But I am vile, wretched, miserable, blind; My lips are ready to confess,   but my heart is slow to feel,   and my ways reluctant to amend. I bring my soul to thee;   break it, wound it, bend it, mould it. Unmask to me sin’s deformity,   that I […]


O GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, That which I know not, teach thou me,       Keep me a humble disciple in the school     of Christ,   learning daily there what I am in myself,     a fallen sinful creature,   justly deserving everlasting destruction; O let me never lose sight of my need of a Saviour,   or forget that apart […]


O SOURCE OF ALL GOOD, What shall I render to thee for the gift of gifts,       thine own dear Son, begotten, not created,   my Redeemer, proxy, surety, substitute,   his self-emptying incomprehensible,   his infinity of love beyond the heart’s grasp. Herein is wonder of wonders:   he came below to raise me above,   was born like me […]


BLESSED LORD JESUS, No human mind could conceive or invent         the gospel.       Acting in eternal grace, thou art both   its messenger and its message,   lived out on earth through infinite compassion,   applying thy life to insult, injury, death,   that I might be redeemed, ransomed, freed. Blessed be thou, O Father, for contriving this way, Eternal […]


O MY SAVIOUR, I thank thee from the depths of my being     for thy wondrous grace and love   in bearing my sin in thine own body on the tree. May thy cross be to me   as the tree that sweetens my bitter Marahs,   as the rod that blossoms with life and beauty,   as the brazen […]


GLORIOUS GOD, I bless thee that I know thee.     I once lived in the world, but was ignorant   of its Creator,   was partaker of thy providences, but knew not     the Provider,   was blind while enjoying the sunlight,   was deaf to all things spiritual, with voices     all around me,   understood many things, but had no knowledge […]


O FOUNTAIN OF ALL GOOD, Destroy in me every lofty thought,       Break pride to pieces and scatter it     to the winds, Annihilate each clinging shred of     self-righteousness, Implant in me true lowliness of spirit, Abase me to self-loathing and self-abhorrence, Open in me a fount of penitential tears, Break me, then bind me up; Thus […]


THOU GREAT I AM, Fill my mind with elevation and grandeur at       the thought of a Being   with whom one day is as a thousand years,   and a thousand years as one day, A mighty God, who, amidst the lapse of worlds,   and the revolutions of empires,   feels no variableness,   but is glorious in immortality. […]


O GOD, I bless thee for the happy moment     when I first saw thy law fulfilled in Christ,   wrath appeased, death destroyed, sin forgiven,     my soul saved. Ever since, thou hast been faithful to me:   daily have I proved the power of Jesus’ blood,   daily have I known the strength of the Spirit,     my teacher, […]


O LORD MY LORD, This is thy day,       the heavenly ordinance of rest,     the open door of worship,     the record of Jesus’ resurrection,     the seal of the sabbath to come,     the day when saints militant and triumphant       unite in endless song. I bless thee for the throne of grace,   that here free favour reigns;   that […]


GOD OF ALL GOOD, I bless thee for the means of grace;     teach me to see in them thy loving purposes       and the joy and strength of my soul. Thou hast prepared for me a feast;   and though I am unworthy to sit down as guest,   I wholly rest on the merits of Jesus,   and […]


O FATHER OF JESUS, Help me to approach thee with deepest       reverence,   not with presumption,   not with servile fear, but with holy boldness. Thou art beyond the grasp of my understanding,   but not beyond that of my love. Thou knowest that I love thee supremely,   for thou art supremely adorable, good, perfect. My heart melts […]


EVERLASTING CREATOR-FATHER, I have destroyed myself,       my nature is defiled,       the powers of my soul are degraded;       I am vile, miserable, strengthless,       but my hope is in thee. If ever I am saved it will be by goodness     undeserved and astonishing,   not by mercy alone but by abundant mercy,   not by grace but by exceeding […]
