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Lord’s Day Evening



May the close of an earthly sabbath
        remind me that the last of them
    will one day end.
Animate me with joy that in heaven praise
    will never cease,
  that adoration will continue for ever,
  that no flesh will grow weary,
      no congregations disperse,
      no affections flag,
      no thoughts wander,
      no will droop,
  but all will be adoring love.
Guard my mind from making ordinances
    my stay or trust,
  from hewing out broken cisterns,
  from resting on outward helps.
Wing me through earthly forms to thy immediate
May my feeble prayers show me the emptiness
    and vanity of my sins;
Deepen in me the conviction that my most fervent
  and most lowly confessions, need to be
    repented of.
May my best services bring me nearer to the cross,
  and prompt me to cry, ‘None but Jesus!’
By thy Spirit give abiding life to the lessons of
    this day:
May the seed sown take deep root and yield
    a full harvest.
Let all who see me take knowledge that I have been
    with thee
  that thou hast taught me my need as a sinner,
    hast revealed a finished salvation to me,
    hast enriched me with all spiritual blessings,
    hast chosen me to show forth Jesus to others,
    hast helped me to dispel the mists of unbelief.
O great Creator, mighty Protector, gracious
  thou dost load me with loving kindnesses,
  and hast made me thy purchased possession,
  and redeemed me from all guilt;
I praise and bless thee for
  my sabbath rest,
  my calm conscience,
  my peace of heart.

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