2013 UK Banner South East Conference
The Gospel of Our Glorious God
Download the Conference Brochure
BSE is a one-day event for young people aged 15+ who want to find out more about the Christian Faith.
Its aim is to help those who are already Christians to dig a little deeper into the Bible and give those who aren’t yet Christians a chance to find out first-hand what it’s all about.
The day will be a mixture of teaching and a question time, with an opportunity to mix with other young people from different backgrounds.
The cost for the day will be £7.00 , this will include a light lunch. For students and unwaged the cost is £4.00.
Grove Chapel, Camberwell Grove, London SE5 8RF
30 November 2013
10:00am – 4:30pm
An Interview with Ian Hamilton
Banner: Hi Ian, thanks for taking time out today. Could you start by telling us a little bit about yourself?
Ian: I was raised in the east end of Glasgow. I currently minister in Cambridge, England. I am married to Joan and we have four children, and one grand-daughter. In my spare time I enjoy reading (almost anything), golf, and having coffee with my wife in Starbucks.
Banner: How did you become a Christian?
Ian: It was through the life of a boy at school – he spoke to me about Jesus but it was his life that made a great impact on me.
Banner: You’ve been a pastor for a number of years and have preached in very different church contexts – Glasgow and Cambridge. Have you adapted how you present the gospel?
Ian: No. The gospel is the gospel and people are people. The applications I make may be a little different but my aim is to set forth Christ, who is himself the gospel.
Banner: The last Banner Minister’s Conference had a similar theme. What were your reasons for choosing it for that audience?
Ian: We can never hear the gospel too often. We never graduate beyond the glory and grace of the cross. The gospel engages the whole Bible and the fullness of God’s revelation of himself, so there are always depths to be quarried.
Banner: Where do you turn to in the bible when you preach the gospel?
Ian: Everywhere. From the first verse of Genesis to the last verse of Revelation we have ‘gospel’. For example, you cannot rightly understand Jn.3:16 without grasping something of Gen.1-3.
Banner:Thanks for that Ian. Just to finish up, have you seen changes in the issues and challenges facing young adults during the course of your ministry?
Ian: On the surface yes, but not in principle. Sin is sin however it dresses itself up. The main issues facing all of us are perennial: love the Saviour, fear God, keep his commandments, hate sin, serve the church, pursue holiness. Today sin is perhaps more ‘in your face’ than it was a generation ago and it may be costlier to be a faithful Christian. But we are simply back to where the church was 2000 years ago – and look what God did then!
Saturday, 30 November
- 1000 – Registration and Coffee
- 1030 – SESSION 1: The gospel in the Old Testament , Ian Hamilton
- 1130 – Refreshments
- 1145 – SESSION 2: Grace from first to last , Paul Levy
- 1300 – Lunch
- 1400 – SESSION 3: Q & A Session with panel
- 1500 – Refreshments
- 1515 – SESSION 4: The goal of the gospel , Ian Hamilton
- 1630 – Close
- Travel and Location Details (Buses, Trains and Parking): www.grovechapel.org
- General Enquiries: John Rawlinson – 0131 337 7310 or info@banneroftruth.co.uk
- Local Enquiries: Reuel – 020 8764 7798 or 07909 682 481 or reuel@hagios.co.uk
- Please book no later than 23 November to be guaranteed a lunch!