Puritan Paperback Specials
For this Christmas season you can buy any 5 or more Puritan Paperbacks (physical version) and get them for 30% off. This discount will appear in your shopping cart, and will only apply to the Puritan Paperback books you are purchasing.
Showing 13–24 of 62 results

The Love of Christ
Expository Sermons on Verses from Song of Solomon Chapters 4-6
A series of sermons preached by Richard Sibbes (1577-1635) on Song of Solomon 4:16-6:3, demonstrating and setting forth the love of Christ to his church, and the love of the church to Christ. 376pp.

The Secret Key to Heaven
The Vital Importance of Private Prayer
Focusing on the Lord’s words in Matthew 6:6. Brooks gives a masterful treatment of ‘The Vital Importance of Private Prayer’. 304pp.

Based on Psalm 57:2, shows how providence works for us in every stage and experience of our lives. 224pp.

Brings together Bunyan’s works Praying in the Spirit and The Throne of Grace. 176pp.

Treats the seductive influence and terrible power of Satan in a way ‘greatly more full and suggestive than in the literature of the present day’ (Smeaton). 256pp.

In this outstanding book, Owen explains the nature of the Christian’s communion with God and describes the many privileges it brings. 240pp.

Previously published under the title An Alarm to the Unconverted, this great evangelistic book is also a spur to personal evangelism. 152pp.

Watson explains, from Romans 8:28, how the best and worst experiences work for the good of God’s people. 128pp.

Apostasy From The Gospel
The Nature and Causes
An abridgement of Owen’s powerful teaching on the possibility that not all ‘professing’ Christians may prove to be true Christians. 184pp.

The Art of Prophesying
And the Calling of the Ministry
Basic guidance to help all Christians read and use the Bible intelligently, with a powerful message to those who lead and preach. 208pp.

In this famous exposition of Isaiah 42:3, Sibbes unfolds the tender ministry of Christ. 138pp.
Showing 13–24 of 62 results