This selection includes biblical and reformed books on various theological topics, including many books from the classic Puritan Paperbacks series. These books are both theological and doxological in their exposition of their subjects, as our deep thinking about God should lead us to heartfelt worship of Him. Some notable titles on this page include Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin, The Spirit and the Church by John Owen, and The Westminster Confession.
Showing 217–219 of 219 results
Reveals Warfield’s mastery of such doctrines as the Trinity, the Person and Work of Christ, Redemption, and Faith. 680pp.
Book Description The last words of a dying man are often worthy of being recorded. That is especially true of those spoken by Jesus Christ while dying on the cross. His seven last words have been called ‘the bright lights of heaven shining at intervals through the darkness’ and ‘the deep solemn tones which interpret […]
Historical Theology is a two-volume work derived from Dr. Cunningham’s lectures to his Church History class at New College, Edinburgh between 1847–1861. Clothbound, 1408 pages.
Showing 217–219 of 219 results