New eBook Titles

Some of our new releases are reprints that have not been available for decades, in some cases hundreds of years, while others are newly written works. The following list of titles are now available as eBooks (ePub and Mobi) so they may continue to be read by a new generation of digital readers.

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels

Volume 6: John Part 2 - Chapters 7-12

by J. C. Ryle

price From: £9.00
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A new, re-typeset, clothbound edition of Ryle’s popular expositional series on the Gospels. The Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture. 288–432 pp. per volume.

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels

Volume 5: John Part 1 - Chapters 1-6

by J. C. Ryle

price From: £9.00
Avg. Rating


A new, re-typeset, clothbound edition of Ryle’s popular expositional series on the Gospels. The Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture. 288–432 pp. per volume.

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels

Volume 4: Luke Part 2 - Chapters 11-24

by J. C. Ryle

price From: £9.00


A new, re-typeset, clothbound edition of Ryle’s popular expositional series on the Gospels. The Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture. 288–432 pp. per volume.

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels

Volume 3: Luke Part 1 - Chapters 1-10

by J. C. Ryle

price From: £9.00


A new, re-typeset, clothbound edition of Ryle’s popular expositional series on the Gospels. The Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture. 288–432 pp. per volume.

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels
price From: £9.00


A new, re-typeset, clothbound edition of Ryle’s popular expositional series on the Gospels. The Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture. 288–432 pp. per volume.

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels

Volume 1: Matthew

by J. C. Ryle

price From: £9.00


A new, re-typeset, clothbound edition of Ryle’s popular expositional series on the Gospels. The Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture. 288–432 pp. per volume.

Commentary on Matthew

Commentary on Matthew

The Gospel of the Kingdom

by C. H. Spurgeon

price From: £10.00
Avg. Rating


The only commentary on a complete New Testament book ever written by Spurgeon. Here are reverence of the very words of Scripture, faithful teaching, deep insight, practical application, profound simplicity and spiritual power. Originally published as The Gospel of the Kingdom. 456pp.

price From: £1.00
Avg. Rating


The nature and effects of true conversion. 24pp.


Shorter Catechism

With Scripture Proofs


price From: £1.50


This work of the Westminster divines remains one of the best introductions to the key doctrines of the Christian faith. 48pp.

price From: £1.50
Avg. Rating


Argues that the church must maintain the ‘priority of preaching’ for both biblical and theological reasons and offers helpful practical advice. 32pp.

Preaching that Gets Through

Preaching That Gets Through

God's Word and our words

by Stuart Olyott

price From: £2.00


Instruction, help and encouragement for preachers seeking to communicate the gospel message more effectively. 40pp.

price From: £1.25


True Christianity involves a sight of the majesty of God and calls for a godly life. 24pp.