Under £5

A selection of Banner booklets which are ideal stocking fillers, or indeed ways to top up your basket in order to reach the required amount for free shipping.


The Unresolved Controversy

Unity With Non-Evangelicals

by Iain H. Murray

price £1.25


An address summarizing the central theme of the author’s book Evangelicalism Divided. 32pp.

Rest in God

Rest in God

A Calamity in Contemporary Christianity

by Iain H. Murray

price £2.00


Subtitled ‘A Calamity in Contemporary Christianity’, shows that a day specially set apart has come down from creation, and in essence its meaning has not changed. 40pp.


Read the Bible in a Year

Calendar of Daily Readings

by R. M. M‘Cheyne

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A scheme for reading the whole Bible—and the New Testament and Psalms twice—in a year. Leaflet.

price £1.00


Advice on the best books and how to set about reading them. 32pp.


Burial or Cremation

Does it Matter?

by Donald Howard

price From: £1.25
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Shows that burial alone has the endorsement of God’s Word and reflects vital truth. 32pp.