Books on Pastoral Theology/Pastoral Helps
Showing 13–24 of 32 results
The Christian Ministry
With an Inquiry into the Causes of its Inefficiency
Bridges sub-titled the study of the Christian Ministry, ‘An Inquiry into the Causes of its Inefficiency’, and, rightly used, it is well suited to promote a faithful and effective ministry. 400pp.
Calvin’s Wisdom
An Anthology Arranged Alphabetically
An alphabetical anthology from the Reformer’s writings. 424pp.
Ministrar como el Maestro
Ministering Like the Master
Book Description ¡Cristo no fue un predicador aburrido! ‘¡Qué maravilloso sería- dice Stuart Olyott en la introducción de este libro – que los predicadores cristianos de todo el mundo estuvieran ministrando como su Maestro!’… Utilizando ejemplos de la predicación de Cristo en los Evangelios, Olyott desafía a los predicadores de hoy con tres elementos del […]
El Pastor Renovado
Reformed Pastor
Book Description Estas páginas, preparadas originalmente para la reunión de una asociación de ministros de Worcestershire en 1656, tratan los medios por los cuales se pueden efectuar tales cambios. En su ruego ferviente para que los pastores desempeñaran sus obligaciones espirituales. Baxter, en palabras de su contemporáneo Thomas Manton, “se acercó más a los escritos […]
Peter: Eyewitness of His Majesty
As Disciple, Preacher, Pastor
Endorsements Ted Donnelly’s handling of biblical teaching is always marked by faithfulness, insight, wisdom and warmth. All of these qualities abound in this splendid exposition of Simon Peter’s life and ministry. It provides the rare combination of helpful, and at times, searching, instruction with the genuine Christian pleasure of discovering more about the grace of […]
Pastoral Ministry
From the Reformed Pastor
Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]
The Art of Prophesying
And the Calling of the Ministry
Basic guidance to help all Christians read and use the Bible intelligently, with a powerful message to those who lead and preach. 208pp.
Visitor’s Book of Texts
A Vital Tool for Pastoral Visitation
Much-needed advice and clear guidance on what we should say when visiting the sick. Selected scriptures are interspersed with Bonar’s brief, spiritual, helpful comments. 296pp.
Preaching Christ
The Heart of Gospel Ministry
In this address to those entering the ministry, Bishop Charles P. McIlvaine leaves no doubt about ‘The Heart of Gospel Ministry’. 96pp.
The Ministry
Addresses to Students of Divinity
A statement of what Brown saw as the essence of gospel ministry— preaching with the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven. 128pp.
Silent Witnesses
Lessons on theology, life, and the church from Christians of the past
In Silent Witnesses, Garry Williams shows us just some of the ways in which Christians in the present need the examples, encouragements, and teachings of Christians of the past. Book Description Garry Williams describes both famous and less well-known figures and movements from church history, from the fourth century through to the twentieth: Augustine of […]
Showing 13–24 of 32 results