Books on 17th century
Showing 1–12 of 13 resultsSorted by latest

An Ark For All God’s Noahs
In a Gloomy Stormy Day
Book Description We live in difficult days and in trying times. This book, with its quaint yet vivid title, points us to the One in whom Christian men and women have always found the strength to persevere come what may. Taking Lamentations 3:24 as his starting-point – ‘The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; […]

Treasures of John Owen Box Set
5 Volume Set
Endorsements ‘Now the doors of your John Owen ‘library’ are open. Choose a volume. You can start anywhere; you will find biblical insight, wisdom, and personal help everywhere. And perhaps this little box set of the Treasures of John Owen will one day be part of your own spiritual heirloom…’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON Book […]

Puritan Classics Box Set
10 Volume Set
Endorsements ‘These are the books to return to again and again as old friends. They are also a sacred trust, to pass on to our families, and to recommend to friends. For in these books we have been given light on our path, instruction for our minds, wisdom for our lives, pleasures for our spirit.’ […]

Los puritanos
Puritans: Their Origins and Successors
Book Description La historia cobra vida cada vez que el Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones aborda un determinado tema o personaje. Los que le conocieron simplemente como predicador se sorprenderán de la comprensión y el conocimiento que tiene de la historia de la Iglesia {…}. Estas vistas generales y de conjunto nos presentan al Dr. Lloyd-Jones en […]

Tratado de Teología
A Body of Divinity
Book Description Este primer libro publicado por The Banner of Truth Trust en Ingles ha sido uno de sus exitos de libreria, ademas del volumen mas util e influyente de su catalogo a lo largo de los años Ello se debe a varias razones: EI tema del libro. Trata de las principales verdades doctrinales y practicas […]

The Works of Stephen Charnock
5 Volume Set
Book Description There were theological and spiritual giants in the earth in the days of the English Puritans, and Stephen Charnock (1628-80) was prominent among them. His Works present a feast of rich teaching and exposition, characterized throughout by sound theology, profound thought, and an imaginative style. The five volumes now reprinted from the classic […]

Scottish Puritans
2 Volume Set: Select Biographies
First-hand sources from the 17th century. ‘This is a magnificent two-volume set, calculated to stir the soul and to find a place of honour and affection in every Christian who loves to read the thrilling history of the Scottish church!’—Sinclair B. Ferguson. 568 & 552pp.

Fair Sunshine
Character Studies of the Scottish Covenanters
These ‘Character Studies of the Scottish Covenanters’, have a lyrical quality and demonstrate the author’s spiritual perception. 208pp.

To Glorify and Enjoy God provides a comprehensive introduction to the background, history, character and contributions of the Westminster Divines and their Assembly. 352pp.

Southern Presbyterian Leaders
1683 - 1911
A fascinating series of sketches of leaders in the Southern Presbyterian Church between colonial times and 1911 when White wrote. 512pp.

Stirring mini-biographies of the Christian heroes of Scotland from the 1520s to the ‘killing times’ of the 1680s. 672pp.

From his deep Christian experience, Boston gave the church one of its most enduring spiritual autobiographies. 576pp.
Showing 1–12 of 13 resultsSorted by latest