Books on Biblical Studies

image of the Works of Tyndale

The Works of William Tyndale

2 Volume Set: Doctrinal Treatises and Introductions to Different Portions of the Holy Scriptures

by William Tyndale

price £33.00
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ENDORSEMENT ‘A reprint of this kind is no mere archaeological curiosity; one who was so intensely a man of the Bible as Tyndale was speaks to more ages than his own, and in the following pages we shall find that he has much to say to us, if we pay heed to what we read.’ […]

image for the Writings of Thomas Peck

The Writings of Thomas Peck

3 Volume Set: Selected and Arranged by T.C. Johnson

by Thomas E Peck

price £40.00


Book Description As a teacher, Peck was in the front rank. ‘As an expositor of truth, as an exegete of Scripture,’ his successor C.R. Vaughan believed, ‘he was probably without a rival in his day.’ But it was not mere teachers that he laboured to prepare for the gospel ministry but rather men ‘with a […]

Discourses and Sayings of Our Lord
price £40.00


John Brown handles the materials from the Gospels in a masterly way, and in doing so brings us to know Christ better. 1536pp.

A Reformation Guide to Scripture

A Reformation Guide to Scripture

The Prologues from the Geneva Bible 1560


price £5.50


The Prologues from the Geneva Bible, 1560’. 152pp.

price £5.00
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Originally published in the author’s Studies in the Scriptures, looks at how we can benefit from reading the Scriptures. 128pp.

Philip and the Revival in Samaria
price From: £5.50


A thought-provoking and heart-warming study from Acts Chap. 8. 128pp.


Peter: Eyewitness of His Majesty

As Disciple, Preacher, Pastor

by Edward Donnelly

price From: £5.80


Endorsements Ted Donnelly’s handling of biblical teaching is always marked by faithfulness, insight, wisdom and warmth. All of these qualities abound in this splendid exposition of Simon Peter’s life and ministry. It provides the rare combination of helpful, and at times, searching, instruction with the genuine Christian pleasure of discovering more about the grace of […]

One Lord, One Plan, One People

One Lord, One Plan, One People

A Journey Through The Bible From Genesis To Revelation

by Rodger Crooks

price From: £8.50


A journey through the Bible, pointing out the main features of each book and focusing on Jesus, the one Lord who is the terminal point of God’s promises. 480pp.

New Testament Introduction

New Testament Introduction

An Introduction to its Literature and History

by J. Gresham Machen

price £8.50


Brings the history and literature of the New Testament alive today in a fascinating way. 392pp.


Mysterious Ways

The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph

by David P. Kingdon

price From: £4.80


The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph’. 112pp.


Man Overboard!

The Story of Jonah

by Sinclair B. Ferguson

price From: £4.80


The story of Jonah — a book about how one man came, through painful experience, to discover the true character of the God he served. 112pp.

The Life of Elijah
price £8.00
Avg. Rating


An exposition of Elijah’s ministry with application to the contemporary situation. 320pp.