Books on Man & Sin
Showing 13–24 of 25 results
The Works of John Flavel
6 Volume Set
John Flavel was a favourite with Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield (who ranked him with John Bunyan and Matthew Henry), and, a century later, with such Scottish evangelical leaders as R. M. M’Cheyne and Andrew Bonar. Book Description The repeated editions of Flavel’s Works bear their own witness to his popularity. His complete works had […]
The Works Of George Swinnock
5 Volume Set
Swinnock is one of the easiest Puritan authors to read. He is theological, yet his doctrine is expressed in vivid fashion. While practical, his counsel is marked by a keen sensitivity to scriptural doctrine. Approx. 520pp. per volume.
The Works Of George Swinnock
Volume 5: The Door of Salvation Opened by the Key of Regeneration, The Sinner's Last Sentence
Swinnock is one of the easiest Puritan authors to read. He is theological, yet his doctrine is expressed in vivid fashion. While practical, his counsel is marked by a keen sensitivity to scriptural doctrine. Approx. 520pp. per volume.
Collected Writings of John Murray
Volume 2: Systematic Theology
Murray’s own selection from his articles and lectures in systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. 432pp.
A crystal-clear explanation of what sin is, why it is so serious, amd what we need to do about it. 284pp.
Based on Romans 7:21, shows that sin is a powerful inward principle at enmity with God, but that the grace of Christ is all-sufficient. 176pp.
Wells Of Salvation
Meditations on Isaiah
98 short meditations on the entire book of Isaiah, underlining the greatness of God and encouraging joy in his victory. 224pp.
Wayward But Loved
A Commentary and Meditations on the Book of Hosea
In this ‘Commentary and Meditations on Hosea’, the author shows that the waywardness of God’s people does not prevent the magnificent display of God’s saving and sanctifying love. 240pp.
Endorsement ‘One of the most precious of the peerless works of the Puritans, and those best acquainted with it prize it most.’ — C. H. Spurgeon Book Description In this book Thomas Watson continues his exposition of the Shorter Catechism drawn up by the Westminster Assembly. Watson was one of the most popular preachers in […]
Demonstrates how the biblical teaching on man serves as a gateway into the entire Christian message. 168pp.
Vision Cristiana Del Hombre
Christian View of Man
Book Description La pregunta Qué es el hombre? Que surgio de los Salmos hace muchos siglos, sigue siendo una de las cuestiones más vitals de las que confrontan al hombre de nuestro tiempo. Desconcertado por el progreso tecnologico. Y alienado de las convicciones y estilo de vida de sus antepasados, el hombre moderno ha perdido […]
The Works of Richard Sibbes
7 Volume Set
Book Description More than anything else, Richard Sibbes was a great preacher. He never lost sight of the fact that the best Christian counselling is done through the patient and enlivening exposition of the Word of God. Sibbes excelled as a comforter of the troubled and doubting, but he also possessed the rare gift of […]
Showing 13–24 of 25 results