Second Day Morning: God Over All
Thou hast made and upholdest all things
by the word of thy power;
darkness is thy pavilion,
thou walkest on the wings of the wind;
all nations are nothing before thee;
one generation succeeds another,
and we hasten back to the dust;
the heavens we behold will vanish away
like the clouds that cover them,
the earth we tread on will dissolve
as a morning dream;
But thou, unchangeable and incorruptible,
art for ever and ever,
God over all, blessed eternally.
Infinitely great and glorious art thou.
We are thy offspring and thy care.
Thy hands have made and fashioned us.
Thou hast watched over us with
more than parental love,
more than maternal tenderness.
Thou hast holden our soul in life,
and not suffered our feet to be moved.
Thy divine power has given us all things
necessary for life and godliness.
Let us bless thee at all times and forget not
how thou hast
forgiven our iniquities,
healed our diseases,
redeemed our lives from destruction,
crowned us with lovingkindness and
tender mercies,
satisfied our mouths with good things,
renewed our youth like the eagle’s.
May thy Holy Scriptures
govern every part of our lives,
and regulate the discharge of all our duties,
so that we may adorn thy doctrine
in all things.
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