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Sixth Day Evening: The Mediator



We hope in thy Word.
        There we see thee, not on a fearful throne
  of judgment,
But on a throne of grace
  waiting to be gracious and exalted in mercy.
There we hear thee saying,
  not ‘Depart ye cursed’,
  but ‘Look unto me and be ye saved,
    for I am God and there is none else.’
They that know thy name put their trust in thee.
How many now glorified in heaven,
  and what numbers living on earth,
    are thy witnesses, O God,
  exemplifying in their recovery from
    the ruins of the Fall
  the freeness, riches and efficacy of thy grace!
All that were ever saved were saved by thee,
  and will through eternity exclaim,
    ‘Not unto us, but unto thy name give glory
    for thy mercy and truth’s sake.’
Thou hast chosen to transact all thy concerns
  with us through a Mediator
    in whom all fullness dwells
    and who is exalted to be Prince and Saviour.
To him we look, on him we depend,
    through him we are justified.

May we derive relief from his sufferings
    without ceasing to abhor sin,
    or to long after holiness;
  feel the double efficacy of his blood,
    tranquillizing and cleansing our consciences;
  delight in his service as well as in his sacrifice;
  be constrained by his love
    to live not to ourselves but to him;
  cherish a grateful and cheerful disposition,
    not murmuring and repining
    if our wishes are not indulged,
    or because some trials are blended
      with our enjoyments,
But, sensible of our desert,
  and impressed with the number and greatness
    of thy benefits,
  may we bless and praise thee at all times.

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