Products by Format: Book
Showing 529–540 of 844 results
Pastoral Ministry
From the Reformed Pastor
Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]
Prayers on the Psalms
From the Scottish Psalter of 1595
Endorsement ‘Prayers on the Psalms is a triple treasure to me. It was edited by my beloved mentor David B. Calhoun, who is truly a gift to the church, it is drawn from the great Scottish Psalter of 1595 and the translated French prayers of Huguenot pastor martyr Augustin Marlorat, and it is based on […]
Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]
Sinful Speech
Sins of the Tongue
Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]
The Tender Heart
The Hearts affections and desires
Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]
United We Stand
A Twelve-point action plan to teach us that united we stand and divided we fall
Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]
Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]
El Cristiano Con Toda la Armadura deDios
Christian in Complete Armour
Book Description El cristiano en armadura completa es sin duda uno de los mayores de los escritos práctica de los puritanos. Este volumen 3 rústica es un compendio modernizada del clásico puritano por William Gurnall.
El Evangelio De Hoy- ¿Autético o sintético?
Today's Gospel
Book Description ‘Las diferencias entre la mayoria del evangelio que se predica hoy y el de Jesus no son menores; son enormes. Los errores principales no son en el enfasis o en el enfoque sino en el mensaje central del Evangelio. Si hay deficiencia en alguna de las areas mencionadas en estas paginas es asunto […]
El Secreto De La Vida Cristiana
The Secret of the Christian Life
Book Description Su concepto de la vida cristiana respira un activismo netamente bíblico. Para Ryle, el verdadero cristiano no puede armonizarse con una noción estática de la fe, sino que, por lo contrario, la vida espiritual que se recibe con el nuevo nacimiento es como una fuerza impulsadora que pone a todas las facultades de […]
El Sermón del Monte
Sermon on the Mount
Book Description El Sermón del Monte contíene las enseñanzas de Jesucristo en relación con la vida en el Reino de Dios. El Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expone el Sermón analizando cuidadosamente lo que significa ser cristiano, haciendo hincapié en los aspectos cotidianos y prácticos de la vida cristiana. Esta obra es un ejemplo clásico de la […]
La Vida De Elias
Life of Elijah
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Showing 529–540 of 844 results