Christian Living
The following books on Christian discipleship focus on applying biblical and reformed theology to the Christian life. Topics include the practical implications of the doctrine of God’s providence and the doctrine of election, as well as topics like repentance and maturity in the faith. Thoughts for Young Men by J.C. Ryle and Duties of Christian Fellowship by John Owen are two particularly edifying Christian living books worth looking into.
Showing 73–84 of 226 results
Truth for All Time
A Brief Outline of the Christian Faith
Calvin’s superb ‘A Brief Outline of the Christian Faith’. Translated by Stuart Olyott. 156pp. Also available as a small paperback.
The Callings
The Gospel In The World
Subtitled ‘The Gospel in the World,’ shows that every moment of life can be lived fully to the glory of God. 144pp.
Deserted by God?
Understanding the ways of God through the experience of the psalmists
Draws on the experience of the Old Testament psalmists to help us begin to understand the ways of God. 196pp.
The Last Things
Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell
A plain, non-speculative study on death, judgment, heaven and hell. 160pp.
Rejoice Always
Studies in Philippians 4
With great lucidity and sanity, John Gwyn-Thomas paints an authentic portrait of the Christian life as one in which great seriousness and intense joy are married together. 176pp.
Christian Love
With an extract from 'The Sinners Sanctuary'
The Scottish Covenanting minister Hugh Binning shows how Christians should love one another (John 13:35) and describes the excellence of Christian love from 1 Corinthians 13. Includes 3 sermons from The Sinner’s Sanctuary, an exposition of Romans 8:1–15. 112pp.
In a clear and attractive style, describes what it means to be a Christian, and how to become one. 208pp.
In this outstanding book, Owen explains the nature of the Christian’s communion with God and describes the many privileges it brings. 256pp.
Watson shows that knowing what repentance is, and actually repenting, are essential to true Christianity. 128pp.
Towards the end of his life, the great Puritan pastor and theologian meditates upon Jesus Christ, the heart of the gospel, with biblical insight and understanding that is at times overwhelming. 184pp.
The Great Gain of Godliness
Practical Notes on Malachi 3:16-18
A lightly-edited version of Watson’s exposition of Malachi 3:16–18. 176pp.
Heaven on Earth
Assurance in the Christian Life
Explains the nature of assurance and how it can be experienced. 320pp.
Showing 73–84 of 226 results