Theology Books
This selection includes biblical and reformed books on various theological topics, including many books from the classic Puritan Paperbacks series. These books are both theological and doxological in their exposition of their subjects, as our deep thinking about God should lead us to heartfelt worship of Him. Some notable titles on this page include The Doctrine of Repentance by Thomas Watson, The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel, and Confessing the Faith by Chad Van Dixhoorn.
Showing 157–168 of 234 results
The History of Providence
As Manifested in Scripture
A subject of the deepest interest to the Christian.’ Takes the reader through the Scriptures and points to instances of God’s providence which will provide comfort for all true believers. 264pp.
Based off of the Westminster Confession of the same century, this confession has served as a major creed for Reformed Baptists.
ENDORSEMENT ‘This edition of the Confession of Faith is what our forefathers would have called a Vade Mecum—literally a “Go with me”—a book small enough to take anywhere, but substantial enough to be useful everywhere.’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON DESCRIPTION Agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, with the assistance of commissioners from […]
Tratado de Teología
A Body of Divinity
Book Description Este primer libro publicado por The Banner of Truth Trust en Ingles ha sido uno de sus exitos de libreria, ademas del volumen mas util e influyente de su catalogo a lo largo de los años Ello se debe a varias razones: EI tema del libro. Trata de las principales verdades doctrinales y practicas […]
Jesus Himself
The Story of the Resurrection
A moving study of Jesus’ resurrection and the events that followed it, told with a heart-warming freshness and loveliness. 144pp.
The True Bounds of Christian Freedom is a clear, scriptural exposition of the place of the law in the life of the Christian. 224pp.
Silent Witnesses
Lessons on theology, life, and the church from Christians of the past
Book Description In this book Garry Williams writes about Christians of the past for Christians of the present. He describes both famous and less well-known figures and movements from church history, from the fourth century through to the twentieth: Augustine of Hippo, the Council of Chalcedon, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, Nicholas Ridley, John Calvin, Anne […]
The Work of the Holy Spirit
An Experimental and Practical View
Endorsements ‘This book is well worth reading, … the merits of the study are that it is biblical, usually there are plenty of references to support an assertion, and the book proceeds by exegesis of verses and passages; it is practical, the aim being so to expound the doctrine as to promote the experience; it […]
Finding Peace with God
Justification Explained
Book Description Justification. Just another piece of theological jargon, or a vital teaching which may be compared to the very door by which the Christian faith is entered? Picture the scene: Almighty God, the perfectly just Judge, is seated in his great High Court of Justice. The Christian believer, trusting in Christ, stands before him. […]
The Atonement
In its relations to the covenant, the priesthood, the intercession of our Lord
EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘Hugh Martin did not belong to the type of theologian who simply pours new wine into old wine bottles, or vice versa. He thought through the truth from first principles, always sensitive to the text of Scripture. Thus the reader is never left simply ticking off boxes, ‘heard that’, ‘know this’. Rather […]
A Body of Divinity
Contained in Sermons Upon the Westminster Assembly's Catechism by Thomas Watson
Book Description Thomas Watson’s book, A Body of Divinity is one of the first books published by the Banner of Truth Trust. This book has been one of the best sellers and consistently the most useful and influential of our publications. There are several reasons for this: The subject of the book. It deals with […]
Book Description In the early 1560s Frederick III (1516-76), Elector Palatine desired that his subjects be led to a ‘devout knowledge and fear of the Almighty and his holy Word of salvation’. He commissioned a group of theologians and ministers to compose a catechetical summary of biblical truth that could be committed to memory and […]
Showing 157–168 of 234 results