Published: 2011
Showing 1–12 of 16 results
Preaching That Gets Through
God's Word and our words
Instruction, help and encouragement for preachers seeking to communicate the gospel message more effectively. 40pp.
Archibald G. Brown
Spurgeon's Successor
A biography of Archibald G. Brown (1844-1922), who built a church to seat 3000 in the East End of London while still in his twenties, led mission work among the poor, and was Co-pastor and then Pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, 1907-10. 432pp. Illustrated.
Born of God
Sermons from John Chapter 1
These 32 powerful sermons from John chapter 1 are part of the last great Lloyd-Jones Sunday-morning series at Westminster Chapel. Their central focus is the life that flows from the Lord Jesus Christ, received by faith, the life that characterizes those who are ‘born of God’. 488pp.
John MacArthur
Servant of the Word and Flock
A biography of the pastor for more than forty years of Grace Community Church, Los Angeles. John MacArthur has proved that true preaching of the Word of God is international, and his sermons are heard or read in more than two hundred countries around the world. 264pp. Illustrated.
Princeton Sermons
Outlines of Discourses, Doctrinal and Practical
Hodge (1797-1878) was for over 50 years a professor at Princeton. This book contains the outlines of addresses given by him to students on Sunday afternoons, when they gathered in the Oratory. 400pp.
Some of the most enduring of Knox’s writings, including his treatise on prayer, an exposition of Psalm 6—‘Fort for the Afflicted’—and several of his letters. 336pp.
Gospel Basics
Trusting, Following, and Winning Christ
In sixteen brief chapters, Bonar deals with a wide range of important subjects related to the Christian life, such as, coming to Christ, growing in grace and holiness, and serving the Lord in the work of the gospel. 184pp.
John Calvin, Man of God’s Word
Written and Preached
This brief study is an indication of the debt the church owes to Calvin the theologian, commentator and preacher. 144pp.
A collection of two addresses by Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones and one by Iain H. Murray on the man who was instrumental, under God’s blessing, in transforming the nation of Scotland. 144pp.
One Lord, One Plan, One People
A Journey Through The Bible From Genesis To Revelation
A journey through the Bible, pointing out the main features of each book and focusing on Jesus, the one Lord who is the terminal point of God’s promises. 480pp.
El Momento Transcendental
Momentous Event
Book Description Esta es la mejor introducción de que se dispone acerca de la enseñnza bíblica sobre el regreso del Señor Jesucristo. J.W. Grier expone con la máxima objetividad las distintas posturas escatológicas y examina ecuánimemente los argumentos en pro y en contra de cada una de ellas. Mediante un repaso histórico y bíblico, el […]
The Agency that Transformed a Nation
Lessons from the Great Awakening of the 18th Century
The Agency that Transformed a Nation is a small booklet by J. C. Ryle which considers lessons from the Great Awakening of the 18th century. Foreword by Jonathan Fletcher and Preface by Roger Carswell. 16pp.
Showing 1–12 of 16 results