Particular Redemption

The End and Design of the Death of Christ


Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 7.13 × 4.75 × .4 in
ISBN 9781848717527

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


Doctrines of Grace, Theology

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jul 20, 2017

Page Count




Book Description

‘Christ gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.’

In Particular Redemption, taking up these words of Titus 2:14, John Hurrion expounds the doctrine of redemption, focusing attention especially on the end and design, extent and importance of the death of Christ. There is a peculiar importance attached to a man’s last words. That is especially true of John Hurrion. As his life was ebbing away, his mind was flooded with thoughts about his Saviour, Jesus Christ, as he prepared the four addresses found in this book for the press. ‘The delight he took in his subject’, his editor wrote, ‘carried him above his great pain and weakness’, and in dying he confessed: ‘The death of Christ being the fountain of our life, there is nothing more necessary, pleasant, or useful to the Christian, than a right apprehension and remembrance of it.’

‘I believe, with certainty, that there is no other view of the doctrine of Redemption able to satisfy the soul…In this doctrine my soul finds the means of life and the means also of dying in comfort.’ — From the Preface by John Elias

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Introduction by Iain H. Murray ix
Preface by John Elias xxi
Sermon 1 1
Sermon 2 29
Sermon 3 63
Sermon 4 97
Application 113


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  1. Benjamin Hegan

    It is hard to know where to start with reviewing this short book. One is sometimes tempted to think that bigger books are better, but do not be deceived – this short book packs a punch. John Hurrion was a Puritan of his own right and these four sermons on the precious doctrine of Particular Redemption are taken from the Lime Street Lectures in London during the Puritan era. The first two he preached but couldn’t preach the latter two due to ill health, but thanks to the Banner we now have all four in this short volume. He takes Titus 2:14 as his main text, but uses many others in the course of the four sermons. He clearly outlines the doctrine, not mentioning those who object by name, refuting the objections in a succinct, clear manner. It is almost devotional in tone. I had the first two sermons read in what seemed like no time at all because it is such a joy to read. I’d love to read more of Hurrion some day, but in the meantime I may re-read this wonderful short work! I highly recommend this book.

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