Books on Christian Living
Showing 121–132 of 291 results

Letters of Thomas Chalmers
Introduction by Iain H. Murray
Edited by his son-in-law, this volume of Chalmers’ correspondence gives an insight into the great Scottish evangelical leader. 576pp.

The Callings
The Gospel In The World
Subtitled ‘The Gospel in the World,’ shows that every moment of life can be lived fully to the glory of God. 144pp.

Deserted by God?
Understanding the ways of God through the experience of the psalmists
Draws on the experience of the Old Testament psalmists to help us begin to understand the ways of God. 196pp.

Grace In Winter
Rutherford in Verse
Rutherford’s prose transformed into verse, with cameo portraits of his correspondents. 96pp.

Brings together Bunyan’s works Praying in the Spirit and The Throne of Grace. 176pp.

The Secret Key to Heaven
The Vital Importance of Private Prayer
Focusing on the Lord’s words in Matthew 6:6. Brooks gives a masterful treatment of ‘The Vital Importance of Private Prayer’. 304pp.

El Cristiano Con Toda la Armadura deDios
Christian in Complete Armour
Book Description El cristiano en armadura completa es sin duda uno de los mayores de los escritos práctica de los puritanos. Este volumen 3 rústica es un compendio modernizada del clásico puritano por William Gurnall.

A Great Gulf Fixed
Sermons on the Rich Man and Lazarus
Evangelistic messages emphasising the momentous issues highlighted by Jesus’ parable of the rich man and Lazarus. 128pp.

The Last Things
Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell
A plain, non-speculative study on death, judgment, heaven and hell. 160pp.

Rejoice Always
Studies in Philippians 4
With great lucidity and sanity, John Gwyn-Thomas paints an authentic portrait of the Christian life as one in which great seriousness and intense joy are married together. 176pp.

Christian Love
With an extract from 'The Sinners Sanctuary'
The Scottish Covenanting minister Hugh Binning shows how Christians should love one another (John 13:35) and describes the excellence of Christian love from 1 Corinthians 13. Includes 3 sermons from The Sinner’s Sanctuary, an exposition of Romans 8:1–15. 112pp.
Showing 121–132 of 291 results