Books on Spiritual Growth
Showing 109–120 of 162 results

Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]

Let’s Study Series Set
16 Volume Set
Endorsement ‘The whole unfolding Let’s Study series is a must for every Christian home that is serious about getting to know the Word.’ — COVENANTER WITNESS Book Description The Let’s Study series seeks to combine explanation and application. The aim is the exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside you […]

Evangelical Holiness
and Other Addresses
Iain Murray has sought in his book ‘Evangelical Holiness’ to continue the practice of awakening a younger generation to big spiritual issues.

El Ganador De Almas
Winner of Souls
Book Description Spurgeon pronunció una breve serie de conferencias a los estudiantes de su curso pastoral, indicándoles que ‘el ganar almas es la ocupación principal del ministro cristiano; y, por cierto, debiera ser la de todo verdadero creyente’. Esta serie de conferencias ocupan los primeros seis capítulos de este libro. Le siguen cuatro discursos ofrecidos […]

From the Mouth of God
Trusting, Reading and Applying the Bible
Book Description THE BIBLE, Why should we believe, as Jesus did, that it is ‘the mouth of God’? When did it come into existence? Is it inerrant? What do we need to learn in order to understand it better? How does its teaching change our lives? In From the Mouth of God, Sinclair B […]

El valle de la visión
The Valley of Vision
Book Description La fuerza de carácter puritano y la vida estaba en la oración y la meditación. En esta práctica el espíritu de la oración era considerada como de primera importancia y la mejor forma de oración, porque la oración viviente es la característica de la espiritualidad genuina. Sin embargo, la oración también es vocal […]

Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots
Endorsements ‘A book I think every Christian should read. It is so readable, so accessible, a very simple style of presentation, but absolutely forceful, and discerning. Every time I read it the Lord uses it to press upon me the importance and the possibility of holiness. It’s one of those books that makes you feel […]

Logic On Fire
The Life and Legacy of Dr. martyn Lloyd-Jones (DVD Documentary)
Logic on Fire is a feature-length documentary with over 4.5 hours of special features, a 128-page book, and much more. View the “DVD Features” below to see all that is included in this 3-DVD special edition set. Cinematic Trailer Endorsements ‘I think it was Packer who said, to hear Lloyd-Jones was not so much to […]

You Must Read
Books that have shaped our lives
Book Description Have you ever wondered what influences have shaped the preachers, teachers and authors you respect? You Must Read brings together more than thirty well-known Christian leaders and gives them the opportunity to talk about a book that has made a lasting impact on their lives. Their personal narratives and recommendations of the literature […]

Endorsements ‘This is a work that will serve the church permanently in helping readers “to know”, whether much better or for the first time, “the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge”. I commend it most highly.’ — RICHARD B. GAFFIN, JR. ‘Knowing Christ is a majestic gem. Its author takes the reader by a loving […]

Abounding in advice and good sense, Thoughts for Young Men by J. C. Ryle is as relevant and helpful today as it was in 1865. Paperback, 96 pages.

Thomas Watson Gift Set
3 Volume Special
This deal includes: A Body of Divinity – Paperback The Lord’s Prayer – Paperback The Ten Commandments – Paperback Want to learn more about each title in this set? Click the links above to read in depth about each title, however, remember to add the ‘Thomas Watson Gift Set’ to your cart if you want […]
Showing 109–120 of 162 results