Books on General Theology
Showing 61–72 of 75 results

A Body of Divinity
Contained in Sermons Upon the Westminster Assembly's Catechism by Thomas Watson
Book Description Thomas Watson’s book, A Body of Divinity is one of the first books published by the Banner of Truth Trust. This book has been one of the best sellers and consistently the most useful and influential of our publications. There are several reasons for this: The subject of the book. It deals with […]

Institutes of the Christian Religion
1541 Edition
Institutes of the Christian Religion is Calvin’s single most important work and one of the key texts to emerge from the Reformation of the sixteenth century. None deserves to be better known than the first French edition of 1541.

Thomas Watson Gift Set
3 Volume Special
This deal includes: A Body of Divinity – Paperback The Lord’s Prayer – Paperback The Ten Commandments – Paperback Want to learn more about each title in this set? Click the links above to read in depth about each title, however, remember to add the ‘Thomas Watson Gift Set’ to your cart if you want […]

Beginning with the work of Christ at Calvary, Murray proceeds to a moving and masterly account of how that redemption comes to expression in Christian experience. ‘One of the greatest theological books written in the last hundred years’ [Free Church Witness]. Reset edition 2009. 200pp.

The Banner of Truth Magazine
Issues 1-16 (Sept 1955 through Aug 1959)
Published to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of its first appearance, contains the issues of the magazine from Sept. 1955–Aug. 1959. 544pp.

NEW REPRINT Book Description To J. C. Ryle, the inspiration of the Scriptures was ‘the very keel and foundation of Christianity’. But is all Scripture inspired? Are the very words and expressions from God, or does inspiration mean something less than this? Ryle was convinced that the very words were from God, and that only […]

The Westminster Confession
The Confession of Faith, The Larger and Shorter Catechism, The Sum of Saving Knowledge, The Directory for Public Worship & Other Associated Documents
Endorsements ‘I stand in awe at the profound level of theological and biblical precision manifest in the Westminster Confession of Faith. I would argue that the Westminster Standards are the most precise and accurate summaries of the content of biblical Christianity ever set forth in a creedal form. In my judgment, no historic confession surpasses […]

Thomas Watson Clothbound Gift Set
3 Volume Special
This Deal includes: A Body of Divinity – Clothbound The Lord’s Prayer – Clothbound The Ten Commandments – Clothbound Want to learn more about each title in this set? Click on the related items below to read in depth about each title, however, remember to add the ‘Thomas Watson Gift Set’ to your cart if […]

Calvin’s Letters reveal a man of deep pastoral concern with a humble sense of the final authority of God and his Word. Clothbound, 320 pages.

Deals with the subjective work of the Holy Spirit in the heart, in all its phases, from the new birth until final preparation for heaven. 368pp.

Apostasy from the Gospel
The Nature and Causes
An abridgement of Owen’s powerful teaching on the possibility that not all ‘professing’ Christians may prove to be true Christians. 184pp.

The Reformation of the Church
A Collection of Reformed and Puritan Documents on Church Issues
A Collection of Reformed and Puritan Documents on Church Issues with introductory notes. 416pp.
Showing 61–72 of 75 results