Books on Faith
Showing 13–24 of 27 results

The Works Of David Clarkson
3 Volume Set
Clarkson’s expositions are characterised by faithfulness to biblical teaching, careful analysis, and copious application. 1555 pp.

Christian in Complete Armour
3 Volume Set
A modernized abridgement of the Puritan classic. 312, 400 & 320pp.

Christian in Complete Armour
Volume 2
A modernized abridgement of the Puritan classic. Paperback, 400 pages.

Expounds the biblical teaching on faith, combining the solid content of the truth with the personal challenge of the gospel. 264pp.

Trial and Triumph of Faith
Lessons From Christ's Gracious Answers to a Woman Whose Faith Would Not Give up
Expounding the incident of the healing of the daughter of the Canaanite woman (Matt. 15 & Mark 7), Rutherford eloquently shows the nature of true faith in Christ and persistence in prayer. 416pp.

The Works of Thomas Brooks
Volume 5
Book Description Brooks’ popularity lies both in his subjects – practical truths, central to the Christian life – and in the manner of his presentation. He is ever direct, urgent, fervent, full of Scripture and able to choose words which make his sentences as memorable as melodies. Table of Contents Expand ↓ I THE GOLDEN […]

Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]

El Secreto De La Vida Cristiana
The Secret of the Christian Life
Book Description Su concepto de la vida cristiana respira un activismo netamente bíblico. Para Ryle, el verdadero cristiano no puede armonizarse con una noción estática de la fe, sino que, por lo contrario, la vida espiritual que se recibe con el nuevo nacimiento es como una fuerza impulsadora que pone a todas las facultades de […]

Cómo llegar a Creer en Cristo
Coming to Faith in Christ
En este librito, el autor nos muestra la naturaleza y los requisitos de una fe genuina en Cristo y cómo llegar a alcanzarla. 32pp.

‘The best thought-breeder in all our library’ — Spurgeon. 1240pp.

I Shall Not Die, But Live
Facing Death With Gospel Hope
Endorsements ‘…a powerful testimony to the Lord’s grace through suffering.’ — TIM CHALLIES ‘We warmly commend this book to comfort the hearts of those who have but a little while longer on this earth. Pastors, busy with visiting church members and others in difficulty, often inquire as to where they may point those who need […]
Showing 13–24 of 27 results