Ian Hamilton Resources

I have been wondering these past days what thinking people (we should all be thinking people!) made, and are making, of hurricane Katrina. The devastation is mind numbing and hard to take in. Thousands killed; hundreds of thousands left homeless; children bereft of parents and parents of children; a great city and many smaller communities […]
ReadThe great mission of our Saviour’s church is evangelical – we are to go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Too often the church has strayed from its God-given mission and drifted into a “social gospel,” behaving as […]
ReadIt is only too easy for Christians to become daunted and deeply pessimistic. The world we live in is a dark, and presently an ever-darkening, place. The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is increasingly and publicly mocked and marginalized throughout society, particularly in the media. Our Government passes legislation that defies the living God. […]
ReadI cannot recollect commenting on, far less criticising, a Prime Minister in our congregational monthly letters – but I am going to do so now, with sadness, and yet with resolve. Last month, our PM, Tony Blair, stated that abortion should not be an issue in the forthcoming election! Just who is this PM who […]
ReadThe Christian faith and controversy go hand in hand. Wherever the gospel of God’s grace in Christ is planted it will inevitably provoke controversy and opposition. The reason is not so hard to seek: the gospel confronts and provokes the sin-ingrained self-will and “auto-soterism” of this fallen, God-denying world. The armour-piercing truth of God’s word […]
ReadAt the December 2003 Westminster Conference held at Westminster Chapel Ian Hamilton of Cambridge Presbyterian Church gave a stimulating paper on the life and work of Charles Hodge. The following are his opening words. The remainder of this paper and the five others are now published in Knowing the Mind of God and can be […]
ReadIan Hamilton (Cambridge) Peter Marshall was a Scotsman who became the Chaplain to the United States Senate in the late 1940’s. He wrote some words that speak powerfully to our morally decaying society and to an evangelical Christianity that has its focus in all the wrong places. "The modern challenge to motherhood is the eternal […]
ReadMany Christians are haunted by their past. It can tyrannize them, paralyze them, and all but crush the life out of them. It is undeniably true that one of Satan’s many anti-Christian devices is his bringing our pasts to our remembrance, to humble us, distract us, turn us in upon ourselves, and leave us with […]
ReadIan Hamilton, the pastor of the Cambridge Presbyterian Church in England, and William Harrell, the pastor of the Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Norfolk, Virginia are old friends. Both adopt the Scottish tradition of writing a monthly letter to their congregations, and independently of one another the following were the letters they wrote in the past weeks […]
ReadDuring Samuel Rutherfords time in London, where he was a delegate from the Church of Scotland at the Westminster Assembly, two children from his second marriage died. He wrote sorrowfully of this to another bereaved parent: "I was in your condition; I had but two children, and both are dead since I came hither … […]
ReadWhen our Lord Jesus came to the tomb where Lazarus lay dead, he wept. Our Lord knew better than anyone that God is sovereign. He knew that Lazarus’ death was not an unfortunate happenstance, but part of God’s sovereign plan. He knew that everything God does is good and right. But when he came to […]
ReadIn recent months I have attended the funerals of two dear friends and much-respected ministers of the gospel. Both their funerals were deeply moving occasions, as hundreds gathered to honour the lives and ministries of two of God’s choicest servants. As I have reflected on their funerals, one feature common to both has indelibly impressed […]
ReadThere are times in the life of faith when all the lights seem to go out. Perhaps, as yet you have never known this experience. Perhaps you have only ever known the sweetness of the Lord’s gracious love bathing your soul and reassuring your heart that he is yours and you are his. If this […]
ReadThree addresses on Jonathan Edwards exposition of I Corinthians 13 given at the November 2003 Reformation and Revival Conference by Ian Hamilton of Cambridge Presbyterian Church: (1) Jonathan Edwards was a stratospheric Christian but he was pre-eminently a pastor and paramount in all his concerns for his congregation was to impress upon them that love […]
ReadGiven by Ian Hamilton, of the Cambridge Presbyterian Church, during the Aberystwyth Conference I am no expert on Rutherford, and I have been selective in what I have chosen to speak on him. How are we to glory in a man who viewed himself as a ‘sad piece of clay’? If we are to understand […]
ReadEzekiel 33:11 "Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the SovereignLord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked. but rather that they turnfrom their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, Ohouse of Israel.’" What urgency we meet in this 33rd chapter of […]
ReadIn the life of faith, what ultimately matters is not how well you begin, buthow well you end. The history of the church from the days of Adam is litteredwith the sad wreckage of men and women who, for a time, appeared to be trueChristians. They spoke like Christians, worshiped like Christians, witnessedlike Christians and […]
ReadInstead of rejoicing, our Lord broke out with violent weeping and He tells us why. It is because of things He knew. by Ian Hamilton The Church of Christ is full of unsung heroes. They do not, on the whole, possess the kind of spiritual gifts that get them noticed and give them a" name". […]
ReadThe glory of God is all that God is, it is the outshining of his glorious attributes. Of this glory we are "joint heirs with Christ" by Ian Hamilton Is it not to our great shame that we live such pedestrian lives when we are a people with an unspeakably glorious destiny? Perhaps you don’t […]
ReadMartyn Lloyd-Jones was right when he said that "if your preaching of the gospel of Gods’ free grace in Jesus Christ does not provoke the charge from some of antinomianism you’re not preaching the gospel of the free grace of God in Jesus Christ." by Ian Hamilton NO OTHER GOSPEL The previous article dealt with […]
Read(Banner of Truth Ministers’ Conference 2003) by Ian Hamilton, Cambridge. Do you know the sheep? I was once in a fine church talking to a godly elder who wept saying, "This is the first pastoral visit I have had in 18 years." If you are not convicted of pastoral visiting then you are not fit […]
ReadThe great question that confronts us all is: how can a holy and righteous God ever be reconciled to unholy and unrighteous sinners? How can I ever be put right with God? How can the holy One who inhabits eternity ever be righteously reconciled to me, a judgment-deserving sinner? by Ian Hamilton "OUR GREATEST NEED" […]
ReadPaul is picturing two men here. There is Adam and there is Christ. It is as if there are only two men in the whole cosmos, Adam and Christ. And all these two men do, they do for those they represent. They are representative heads, they are covenant heads. And what Adam does, he does […]
ReadTo grasp this basic (indeed, very basic) fact, will transform our lives. It is undoubtedly one of the devil’s stratagems to turn the Christian in upon himself/herself by Ian Hamilton "Faith" is perhaps the most used word in the evangelical vocabulary. Without "faith" it is impossible to please God. We are justified through "faith". We […]
ReadPray that we will "rightly handle" God’s truth, to the affectional blessing of God’s people, and to the affectional awakening of lost sinners by Ian Hamilton I recently heard a comment about two preachers that made me stop and ask myself a serious question. This was the comment: "As Mr X’s sermon came to a […]