The Fiel Conference in Brazil
A total of 811 persons attended the XVII Annual FIEL Leadership conference in Brazil. Adhering to the theme “Grace, marvelous grace” pastor Jim Orrick from Kansas City and author and pastor Brian Edwards of London brought sixteen challenging messages directed to the hearts of hearers who had come from every corner of this large country.
The conference bookstore saw much activity with more than $40,000 worth of books and tapes sold at discount prices. A common complaint was that the bookstore was too crowded. For next year we have reserved a larger hotel with more space for the bookstore and a larger auditorium that will seat up to 1,400 persons.
There is currently a ground swell toward the formation of a reformed fellowship by pastors who have been forced out of leadership positions in their respective denominations. Five of the most qualified men of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil have recently been removed from their seminary posts because of their Biblical stand for the faith. The same thing is happening among the Baptists. We find ourselves in the middle of wonderful, yet confusing times. Pray that our books, magazines and conferences may serve as guiding lights to these earnest and sincere servants of the King.
Next week five of our FIEL team will be flying to Portugal for the First FIEL Conference in that land. Dr. Tom Ascol of the Founder’s Journal and Gilson Santos, the pastor of our local church here will be speaking at the four day meeting. We will be distributing several hundred reformed books among the pastors who attend the conference.
Our 2nd FIEL Conference in Mozambique was held in July with Erroll Hulse as the principle speaker. Eighty pastors attended from many parts of the country.
Richard Denham
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