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Baruch Maoz’ Visit to Germany

Category Articles
Date June 10, 2008

Between May 9th and 19th, 2008, Baruch was the guest of the Arche Pentecostal Church in Hamburg, Germany.

Some years ago, the Pastor, Wolfgang Wegert, had tired of the endless sensationalism and the emotional roller coaster cultivated by the Toronto Blessing, Power Evangelism, Benny Hinn, Jongi Cho and the like. He told his wife that he would never read another book but the Bible. A short while later his wife came home with a gift for him: Iain Murray’s The Forgotten Spurgeon.1 Wolfgang was furious and refused to read it. ‘I told you, I won’t read another book!’ ‘Yes, but this one is different’, she protested, to no avail.

So she began reading the book herself, marking passages as she read. One day Wolfgang’s curiosity got the better of him. The book was lying on the bed stand, so he peeked, noted some of the quotes, was intrigued and decided to read the book as a whole. He was bowled over and has been an avid reader of the Puritans ever since.

His preaching changed and with it he raised the ire of his Elders and of other prominent church members. ‘You’re a Calvinist!’ was the accusation one of the Elders threw out at him. Yes, he had become such. But where does the Bible contradict such a view? In the course of time, the church was turned around. Out of a leadership of 14, three left for other churches. Now the church loves expository preaching, is thrilled with the wonders of God’s grace and is exerting an influence within the Pentecostal movement.

Baruch was asked to visit the church and preach on Jewish evangelism. His preaching was warmly and kindly received. At the behest of the host church, Baruch has also visited a number of other churches, many of which are in various stages of reformation. Baruch reports,

Bracha and I have prayed for Germany ever since we began visiting this country and witnessed the poor spiritual state of the State Church. Two years ago we were privileged to visit a smattering of churches in south Germany, primarily related to the Brethren Movement, undergoing reformation. Now a similar work of God is evident among the Pentecostals in the north. We give God praise.


    • The Forgotten Spurgeon by Iain Murray
      price From: $10.00
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      Between May 9th and 19th, 2008, Baruch was the guest of the Arche Pentecostal Church in Hamburg, Germany. Some years ago, the Pastor, Wolfgang Wegert, had tired of the endless sensationalism and the emotional roller coaster cultivated by the Toronto Blessing, Power Evangelism, Benny Hinn, Jongi Cho and the like. He told his wife that […]

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