Review: One Lord, One Plan, One People
This book is aimed at those new to the Christian faith who would like to understand more about 66 books that make up the Bible. After an excellent introduction, there is a chapter devoted to each book (except for 1 &2 Chronicles which are considered together).
Pastor Crooks first of all outlines the background and contents of the book and then brings out the most important lessons. The author rightly believes that the big theme of the Bible is the life and work of the Lord Jesus. He therefore seeks to find Christ in every book and admirably succeeds. With the exception of the chapter on Judges, I found Pastor Crooks sure footed in his analysis and interpretation.
Written in an engaging and interesting way, this book is an excellent resource not just for new believers, but also for those who rarely stray out of the New Testament. Pastors and teachers will also find food for thought in how to preach Christ from the Old Testament. Are you looking for a gift for a believer who is unfamiliar with the Bible? Look no further.
I feared when I first picked it up that it might be too long (it is 465 pages) and too difficult for a new believer, but I was wrong. It is well written and interesting.
This review was first published on This site has been closed as of March 2019.
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