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Topic Archives: Salvation

It’s what mothers’ worst nightmares are made of – the last thing Jason and Trina Baker expected as they headed out into a blizzard in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on January 2, 1999. And because it was so unexpected, it was all the more horrifying when it happened. As they headed out into the gathering storm […]

Category Articles
Date February 1, 2001

It is one of the conceits of the carnal mind that it thinks itself capable of discerning and understanding the designs of God. The unbeliever thinks he fathoms God and finds the Almighty wanting. The deluded believer hesitates to embrace the teaching of Scripture unless he thinks he perceives the divine design in it. Those […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2001

by Dr. O. Palmer Robertson Everybody talks about being “born again.” But what does it mean? What happens if you are born again? How does this idea apply to you? Do YOU need to be born again? These important questions need answers. First, Do YOU need to be born again? If you are like the […]

Category Articles
Date December 1, 2000

These are not easy times but we have known some genuine encouragements in the past two weeks – in the midst of much that could undermine our conviction that the Lord is reigning. A month ago four of us were planning the Grace Baptist Assembly for May next year. We have some men speaking who […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

John Piper has written “The Justification of God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 9:1-23” which is published by Baker Book House, (1993), 245 pp. paperback. In a sermon entitled “I Will Be Gracious to Whom I Will Be Gracious,” John Piper confessed that when a junior in seminary, “Romans 9 came on me […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 1, 2000

Someone has said, Imagine you had never driven a car before. In your village all you have are horses and carts. A car appears one night in a field. No one quite knows what to make of it. Eventually, seeing it has wheels, people decide that it must be a vehicle of some sort. So […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

In the extraordinary opening ceremony to mark the opening of the Olympic Games one of the climaxes of the evening was to see that one word that hung suspended from the giant arch of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The word was “ETERNITY”. It had also been hanging there on January 1 to greet the dawning […]

Category Articles
Date September 1, 2000

The annual Aberystwyth Conference of the Evangelical Movement of Wales takes place during the second full week of August. The preceding week is the National Eisteddfod of Wales and the succeeding week is the annual EMW Welsh language Conference which a few hundred people attend. The significance of these weeks, carefully laid out in August, […]

Category Articles
Date August 1, 2000

Billy Morrison spoke in our church in Aberystwyth on June 20th. I had not seen him for six or seven years when I visited the prison in Northern Ireland where he was serving twelve years for terrorist offences. His father had been a member of the loyalist para-militaries and so he was raised to consider […]

Category Articles
Date June 15, 2000

Two years ago a representative of the Slav Lands Christian Fellowship was invited to western Siberia to see the fruit of an indigenous missionary outreach that had begun seven years before in this previously unevangelised field. He went not as a tourist but to assess the possibilities of co-operating in a practical ways with our […]

Category Articles
Date May 1, 2000

Perhaps the most famous sermon ever preached in America was the one Jonathan Edwards delivered entitled “Sinners in the hands of an Angry God.” Not only has the sermon been reproduced in countless catalogues of preaching but it is included in most anthologies of early American literature. So scandalous is this vivid portrayal of unconverted […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2000

To some it might seem unnecessary and even wickedly controversial to thrust upon readers any discussion of Arminianism. This might appear to be the case for two reasons. First of all, why should we revive ancient controversies and thereby provoke animosities that have long since died the death of old age? Arminianism takes its name […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2000

The old gospel of Owen, first of all, contains no less full and free an offer of salvation than its modern counterpart. It presents ample grounds of faith (the sufficiency of Christ, and the promise of God), and cogent motives to faith (the sinner’s need, and the Creator’s command, which is also the Redeemer’s invitation). […]

Category Articles
Date February 1, 2000

Over forty years ago the Banner of Truth reprinted John Owen’s “Death of Death in the Death of Christ ” The book became instantly famous in the English-speakng world because of its introductory essay written by the youthful Dr. J.I.Packer. The book is still in print, and here are its timeless opening paragraphs: “The Death […]

Category Book Reviews
Date January 1, 2000