David B. Calhoun (1937-2021) was Emeritus Professor of Church History at Covenant Theological Seminary, St Louis, Missouri. He taught at Covenant College and Columbia Bible College (now Columbia International University) and served as principal of Jamaica Bible College. Prior to his appointment to Covenant Seminary in 1978, he was the overseas director of Ministries in Action.
A graduate of Columbia Bible College and Covenant Theological Seminary, Professor Calhoun held master of theology degrees from Covenant Seminary (Old Testament) and Princeton Theological Seminary (New Testament). He earned the doctor of philosophy degree from Princeton in the field of church history. He was married to the former Anne Fleece of Columbia, S.C., and had two grown-up children.
A Presbyterian minister, he preached widely in many churches and conducted Bible and missions conferences. He was the author of several books. These included a two-volume history of Princeton Seminary – Princeton Seminary, Faith & Learning 1812-1868, and The Majestic Testimony 1869-1929; ‘Our Southern Zion’: Old Columbia Seminary (1828-1927); Pleading for a Reformation Vision: the Life and Selected Writings of William Childs Robinson; Knowing God and Ourselves: Reading Calvin’s Institutes Devotionally; In Their Own Words: the Testimonies of Luther, Calvin, Knox, and Bunyan; Swift and Beautiful: the Amazing Stories of Faithful Missionaries, which are all published by the Trust.
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