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Resources by Artioli, Andrea

Some 140 brethren gathered at the evangelical centres near Naples and Florence to hear pastor Jerry Marcellino from Audubon Drive Bible Church in Laurel, Mississippi, USA speak on the theme of ‘Spiritual Leadership’. The first session of this pastoral conference focused on the duties and responsibilities of those who are leaders in the church. Not […]

Category Articles
Date December 8, 2006

The 14th annual conference of the Italian Reformed publishers ‘Passaggio’ took place in Misano Adriatico between 13th and 15th May. The title of the conference was ‘The Sovereignty of God: Election and Evangelism’ and the speaker was Dr. James White of the Reformed Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona, who is director of ‘Alpha and Omega […]

Category Articles
Date July 4, 2005

In order to fulfill our call, each May, Passaggio holds a national conference where more then 200 of evangelicals from the North join together to hear the Word of God. by Andrea Artioli As you know Italy has never been touched by Reformation because the Catholic Church killed all our reformers during the 16th cent. […]

Category Articles
Date June 7, 2003