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Resources by Carmichael, David

Not having heard much of the so called “emerging church” I did a search as you suggested. I now wish that I hadn’t! What a load of rubbish. How depressing! How far from NT Christianity it really is despite all claims that it is a rediscovery of biblical Christianity! Utter and complete nonsense! One site […]

Category Articles
Date February 18, 2005

The world scoffs, Where are the signs of his coming? Show us your God in our day! "Christ will come in judging power and come when he is least expected." by David Carmichael Chapter 2. The Prize of the Waiting Prophet There is a multi-dimensional prize from God. The Lord is determined to communicate to […]

Category Articles
Date December 5, 2002

Why wasn’t God answering the prayers of his people? The darkness was spreading. Where was God? Habakkuk was perplexed by David Carmichael [At the annual Revival and Reformation Conference held in Swanwick November 18-20 2002 David S. Carmichael gave three stirring messages on the preaching of the prophet Habakkuk. He has been the minister for […]

Category Articles
Date November 26, 2002

The way of knowing more of God lay in a renewed determination to move closer to God. If he is gong to comprehend more of God he has to get as close as he can to God. This is good procedure by David Carmichael [At the annual Revival and Reformation Conference held in Swanwick November […]

Category Articles
Date November 26, 2002