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J. H. Merle d’Aubigné Resources

Banner Author: J. H. Merle d’Aubigné

Jean Henri Merle d’Aubigné (1794–1872), the most popular church historian of the nineteenth century, was born on 16 August 1794 into a well-known Huguenot family in Geneva. In 1685 Louis XIV of France revoked the Edict of Nantes, which had protected French Protestants from persecution. Thousands fled France, including the paternal great-grandfather of Jean Henri, […]


The Death of Thomas Bilney by J. H. Merle D’aubigne; [Thomas Bilney, ‘whose conversion had begun the Reformation in England’ was, in God’s hands, the instrument of Hugh Latimer’s conversion. The story of his life ‘in strength and weakness’, leading to his martyrdom in 1531, is eloquently recorded in The Reformation of England, volumes 1 […]

Category Articles
Date July 20, 2001