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Resources by Luimes, M.

On a Tuesday morning, Pastor Overgaauw rolled out of bed at 3:00 am (or earlier?). By 3:15 am he and his car were rolling out of the driveway, and he was on his way to Nobleton. What would induce four pastors with flexible schedules to get up and start travelling at such an unusual hour? […]

Category Articles
Date June 13, 2006

Fede Viva has evolved into a growing movement of theologically prepared laymen, elders and pastor-theologians. Its goal is to help build a New Reformed Church, centered in Italy, but spreading worldwide. by Rev. M. Luimes Nobleton Born into a rich and influential family, Rev. Franco Maggiotto, was a rising star in the Roman Church. By […]

Category Articles
Date March 31, 2003