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Resources by Mathes, Glenda

On March 11-13, 2008 Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (GPTS) hosted its 11th annual Spring Theology Conference: this year exploring ‘A Reformed View of the End Times.‘ About 420 people attended the conference, held at Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church in Simpsonville, SC. ‘Our Spring Theology Conference aims to equip Christian ministers and lay persons with sound. […]

Category Articles
Date June 20, 2008

A conference on justification was arranged by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church’s Christian Education Committee of the Presbytery of the Midwest on March 17 in Des Moines, Indiana, USA. The handout of the Committee stated that some voices were calling for a “new perspective on Paul” because the Reformed Church had misunderstood what Paul said about […]

Category Articles
Date June 16, 2005

Think common grace is no longer an issue in the Reformed community? Think again. The issue of common grace came to a head in 1924 when the Christian Reformed Church Synod determined that, in addition to the saving grace imparted only to the elect, there exists a “common grace” which is manifested to all people […]

Category Articles
Date December 5, 2003

The Presbyterian minister and author G.I. Williamson has now retired from the pastorate after fifty years in the ministry. His paperback commentaries on the Westminster Confession and Catechism are well known. He was recently interviewed by Glenda Mathes in the ‘Christian Renewal’ magazine. CR:Rev. Williamson, during a lecture at a conference in Johnston, Iowa, you […]

Category Articles
Date November 26, 2003

Glenda Mathes The fact that a movie about Martin Luther is necessary for our culture can best be demonstrated by a recurring phenomenon. Some people, hearing about the selection of the actor Joseph Fiennes for the lead role, asked why a black man wasn’t chosen for the part. It’s a sad commentary on modern society […]

Category Articles
Date November 17, 2003