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Robert Traill Resources

Banner Author: Robert Traill

Friend of William Guthrie of Fenwick, attendant of James Guthrie of Stirling on the scaffold, son of the Greyfriars Church manse where the 1638 Covenant was signed, Scot ordained in England, exile in Holland, prisoner on the Bass Rock, scholar, preacher and saint – Robert Traill (1642-1716) lived to span the ripest period of the […]


Robert Trail is the author of: Justification Vindicated (Banner of Truth, £3.75, $6.99 ISBN: 851518184, Paperback, 96pp.) He asks can sinners really be justified before God by faith alone? If so, can they go on to live as they please? Robert Traill suffered persecution, exile and prison for faithfulness to the gospel. Here is an […]

Category Articles
Date October 26, 2003