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Review: Repentance

Category Book Reviews
Date June 1, 2010

If you want to know why the Christian church today is so weak compared with that of previous generations you will find one of the answers in reading this book, first published in 1826. Our Christian forefathers took the subject of repentance seriously. They expounded the subject thoroughly and deeply.

In eight carefully argued chapters, John Colquhoun looks at the source of genuine repentance, the nature and necessity of repentance, the difference between true and counterfeit repentance, the evidence of repentance and the relationship between repentance and saving faith.

The author is relentlessly logical in his analysis of sin and the need for faith in Christ that leads to evangelical repentance. He draws the reader along, quoting scripture after scripture and then calls for a response. The style and approach reminds me of the best of the Puritan writers. The language is forceful and the illustrations are vivid. As you read this book you will be challenged to look at your own sin and the depth of your own repentance.

At the end of several chapters there is an appeal to the unsaved. All preachers would do well to read these portions – here are good examples of how to plead with the unsaved to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus.

The Banner of Truth has done the church a great service in reprinting this book. We will all do our own souls a great service if we buy it and read it thoughtfully.

This review was first published on The site has been closed as of March 2019.

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