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“But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit; therefore He turned Himself to become their enemy, He fought against them.” Isaiah 63:10. Power Would you agree with me that the church of Jesus Christ in the west is in a sad and woeful state? We have our church programs, activities, seminars, master plans, publishing houses, […]
ReadThis article first appeared in The Free Church Witness in January 2005 but was subsequently posted on the Banner of Truth Trust website. The article seeks to identify me (and other Reformed commentators of repute) as ‘antinomian’. I have a number of objections to this article and am grateful to the Banner of Truth for […]
ReadA Life Lived to the End for the Glory of God and the Spread of the Gospel John Rogers, of whom the world was not worthy, was burned at the stake in the year 1555 in Smithfield, England. He was 55 years old, only 4 years older than I am. What was he like? Why […]
ReadGod gives good press to doctrine. But surveys of evangelicals usually do not-until recently. In God’s book, knowing his Son and believing true things about him is liberty. “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). God’s self-revelation in the Bible is not a wax nose. Paul calls it […]
ReadIt was not until I read the testimony of a Christian man battling against homosexual lust that I realised what the leadership of the American Episcopal Church is doing. This so-called ‘affirming church’ – and there are Baptists and Presbyterians who declare the same message – is saying that homosexuality is God’s plan for the […]
ReadSome years ago during Ramadan, the Vali, who was a conscientious Mohammedan, invited persons of other faiths to an evening feast for the purpose of trying to convert them to Islam. After the guests had feasted on a 13 course dinner, the Vali asked a Bishop: “My Lord Bishop will you kindly tell me what […]
ReadYou may say to your children: – when an unwillingness to receive godly counsel, instruction, or rebuke, or when acting like a fool: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction, Proverbs 1:7. My son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord, or loathe His reproof, for […]
Read[In the last month Roger Fellows has known a deliverance from serious illness by a remarkable providence. He has shared what happened to his circle of friends writing as follows:] I did not make any attempt to let people know generally that I have experienced heart problems recently (neither did I make any effort to […]
ReadIt is now more than seventeen years since my mother’s death. Every mother is special to her own family and her passing leaves a void which can never be filled. The self-denying love of a mother causes her children to be forever indebted to her. In this article I would like to draw attention to […]
ReadIt is necessary now to make a biblical response, touching upon certain key texts that are essential to our subject. This we shall do by giving attention to five important areas. 1. The new covenant of Jeremiah 31 The famous passage in question is 31:31-34. For our purposes the question is this: when God says […]
Read‘Antinomianism – one of the greatest curses conceivable!’ So asserts D M Lloyd-Jones. But what is ‘antinomianism’? The word itself was first coined, I understand, by Luther. It is derived from the Greek, ‘against law’ or ‘anti law’. By ‘law’, the reference is to the moral law (the ten commandments, or decalogue). And the crux […]
ReadNot having heard much of the so called “emerging church” I did a search as you suggested. I now wish that I hadn’t! What a load of rubbish. How depressing! How far from NT Christianity it really is despite all claims that it is a rediscovery of biblical Christianity! Utter and complete nonsense! One site […]
ReadSEEK THE WELFARE OF THE CITY: SAINTS AND SOCIETY The Study Conference of what was once known as the British Evangelical Council but now is called Affinity was held 1-3 February in the High Leigh Conference Centre in Hoddeston with almost 85 partipants. The papers are going to be published. 1] Gordon Wenham is senior […]
ReadMany years ago Sovereign Grace found a young man. The Lord in His ways of saving mercy showed in awakening grace the danger from sin which threatened the soul of this young man. This 20 year old did not know at that time in his life what the Calvinists called restraining grace, that grace the […]
Read‘When the commandment came, sin revived’ (Romans 7.9) has illustrations in the personal experience of most of us. I remember as a boy walking home from chapel through some public gardens: the wide path had well-kept lawns both sides, and the plain cast-iron notice was pegged in the grass, ‘Keep off the grass’. How one’s […]
Read“Take my life and let it be, consecrated, Lord, to Thee” is probably Frances Ridley Havergal’s best-known hymn, and it is a fitting summary of her life. It was her whole-hearted devotion to God that characterised everything about her. What we find in her hymns is an expression of her heart’s desire to know Christ […]
ReadOn 15 January the induction of the Rev Wyn Hughes took place to the pastorate of the Heath Evangelical Church, Cardiff. 800 people were present from all over Wales and England, North and South Wales being united on this happy occasion. There were apologies for absence, one from the daughter of the first minister of […]
ReadHoratius Bonar (1808-1889) was one of the galaxy of young preachers at the Scottish Disruption period which included other men some of whose books have been reprinted by the Banner of Truth, Andrew Bonar, ‘Rabbi’ Duncan, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, W. C. Burns. Horatius Bonar was a prolific author, but one of his fascinating books has […]
ReadAt two day conferences, one in north Wales and one in south Wales, on February 1 and 2 David Meredith of the Free Church of Scotland at Culloden, near Inverness addressed the ministers on the subject of the rise of the ‘Emerging Church.’ The following is a summary of what he said: We are living […]
ReadGod blessed me with loving parents who instructed me in good moral principles. My father was a well known businessman in the town where I grew up. I had everything a human being could possibly desire: love, a good family, friends, success at school, health, wealth, and yet as I grew up I was conscious […]
ReadArthur Stace was a loser, a no-hoper, an alcoholic and completely illiterate. He lived in the streets of Sydney, regarded by many who saw him as a lost cause. One Sunday night in 1932 he entered St Barnabas’ Anglican Church on Broadway, Sydney, and heard the Reverend T. C. Hammond preach the gospel of Jesus […]
ReadTsunami – the word took on new meaning when the world awoke to one of nature’s most terrifying acts of devastation. Experts tell us that, ‘The earth wobbled on its axis like a flickering top.’ Dr. Tapponier head of Teutonics at the Institute of Physique de Globe said the earthquake deep in the Indian Ocean […]
ReadHistory is replete with stories of pastors visiting their flocks-none better than Richard Greenham of Dry Drayton in Cambridgeshire in the 16th Century. Henry Holland, his biographer, records that in the afternoons Greenham visited the sick, or walked into the fields “to confer with his neighbours as they were at plough.” In the same century, […]
ReadHerman Bavinck (1854-1921) was the leading theologian of the nineteenth century Dutch Calvinist revival. Studies in English of Bavinck have been sparse, partly because Bavinck’s four-volume magnum opus Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, is only being translated now (volume 2 on “God and Creation” was published in early November), and partly because Bavinck has often been perceived more […]
ReadOver the last number of months, a serious controversy has blown up in Evangelical circles in Britain over the doctrine of penal substitution. At the focus of the controversy is a book, The Lost Message of Jesus, whose principal author is Steve Chalke, a London minister and founder of the Oasis Trust, which, among other […]