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(A sermon preached at the Memorial Service for Donna Cunningham, a single sister in Christ who died of cancer at age 58, and who served the kingdom unselfishly and sacrificially, especially in the education of church at Grace Christian School. She was also a faithful member of Covenant Presbyterian Church, Louisville, MS, who endured in […]

Category Articles
Date July 4, 2006

It is with great pleasure that the Trust brings to the attention of readers the publication of a number of new titles during June and July. Titles available from the end of June include Sharon James’s Elizabeth Prentiss – More Love to Thee (272 pp. clothbound, £15/$20, ISBN 0851519261). This is the first full-scale biography […]

Category Articles
Date June 29, 2006

Opening Sermon: The letter to Jude-Maurice RobertsI take two texts from the epistle, verse 3, and then the closing verse, “Now unto him who is able to keep you from falling . . .” The work of the minister is both the best and worst work in the world. Best because of what he is […]

Category Articles
Date June 29, 2006

(A letter written to the Editor of the Reader’s Digest) I am writing with reference to the final section of the article entitled “Happiness – how to have it now” in the current issue of Reader’s Digest, relating to the prospect of facing one’s own death. I would like to say that it is possible […]

Category Articles
Date June 29, 2006

We all perhaps would have to admit that we do not pray as often as we should. That admission, while it may shame and grieve us, would probably not surprise us. However, what may surprise us is the fact that few, if any of us, pray as often as we think we do. This is […]

Category Articles
Date June 29, 2006

The Letters of Samuel Rutherford have again been reprinted in hardback and published by The Banner of Truth Trust. In former years some have contended that Rutherford’s Letters are the nearest thing to inspiration outside Scripture. It is a delight, therefore, to find that there has been a call for yet a further republication of […]

Category Articles
Date June 27, 2006

During the early 1990’s after almost seventy years of political and cultural servitude, Russia finally rejected its thraldom to communism. For a few brief years under President Yeltsin there was a degree of unprecedented religious freedom. An example of this freedom was the mission, ‘Christ to the Peoples of Siberia’, organised during the two summers […]

Category Articles
Date June 27, 2006

It is fifty years since Iain Murray first addressed this conference when the Welsh ministers met with Dr. Lloyd-Jones in Cilgwyn. Geoff Thomas took these notes of the first and third of his addresses. SESSION ONE We gather together burdened with this concern to preach the word of God. What a supreme calling it is […]

Category Articles
Date June 22, 2006

David Wells latest book, Above All Earthly Powers; Christ in a Postmodern World, (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005) is one that I found difficult to put down once begun. This work is the culmination of his three previous works. While I found all three of those books filled with helpful insights and profound analyses, his latest […]

Category Articles
Date June 22, 2006

In November I visited South Korea. My main purpose was to take part in an Induction service of a Korean minister who for the past two years has been studying some of our Seminary courses by distance learning. The Rev Dr Y C Whang has also become known to our ministers by his attendance at […]

Category Articles
Date June 22, 2006

What a master-preacher Dr Lloyd-Jones was! You can still hear his eloquence and feel his passion for souls as you read these pages many years after his death. The language pours out as it did from his pulpit. Once again I was fascinated as he moved slowly through just a part of Stephen’s speech in […]

Category Articles
Date June 20, 2006

It was a week ago on Thursday, June 1, that my family dropped me off at the Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport on a warm afternoon to catch a flight to LA, where I would have an 8 hour lay-over before boarding an international flight to the South Pacific where I would land on the main […]

Category Articles
Date June 20, 2006

In the eyes of B. B. Warfield, ‘Jonathan Edwards stands out as the one figure of real greatness in the intellectual life of colonial America’. Most commentators would agree on the greatness of Edwards’ contribution to America’s intellectual life, but Warfield is more specific: ‘From the first he was recognised as a remarkable preacher, as […]

Category Articles
Date June 20, 2006

Genesis 2:21-23 “So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her […]

Category Articles
Date June 15, 2006

Our Island Story, was written by Henrietta Marshall, and has been republished by Civitas and Galore Park, (2005, £25). One of the saddest aspects of the destruction of our educational system is children not learning any history at school and not reading a great deal of it at home. Quite apart from the need to […]

Category Articles
Date June 15, 2006

It was the apologetic agenda of the 1837-41 edition that prompted the need for a fresh approach. That edition was slightly revised by Josiah Pratt in 1877, but the revisions did not address the main problems. By the middle of the twentieth century, the historical commentary not only appeared partisan (which it had always been), […]

Category Articles
Date June 15, 2006

On a Tuesday morning, Pastor Overgaauw rolled out of bed at 3:00 am (or earlier?). By 3:15 am he and his car were rolling out of the driveway, and he was on his way to Nobleton. What would induce four pastors with flexible schedules to get up and start travelling at such an unusual hour? […]

Category Articles
Date June 13, 2006

The volume Majesty in Misery, vol 3, Calvary’s Mournful Mountain, by C H Spurgeon, has been published by the Banner of Truth Trust (hardback, 392 pages). It consists of 25 sermons dealing with the experience of our Lord from when Pilate delivered Him to be crucified until His burial. Preached by Spurgeon (1834-1892) between 1856 […]

Category Articles
Date June 13, 2006

Heaven is a place of complete holiness. So it should surprise no one to find it written: “There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth” (Rev 21:27), which clearly indicates that no one with the least stain of sin can enter heaven, for sin is defiling. Obviously, no one who is […]

Category Articles
Date June 13, 2006

Yochi Brandes is a well known Israeli author who was brought up in an Jewish Orthodox home and left for a non-religious life in her teen age years. The story she tells is a window on the inner conflict of many Jewish Orthodox youth. The text is Ms. Brandes’ as brought in the Israeli Ha’Arets, […]

Category Articles
Date June 9, 2006

Charles Finney’s most astute critic was John Williamson Nevin (1803-86). Nevin is not well-known today, outside the circles of church history students, but in the view of some (which I share) he is something of a forgotten genius. Born in Pennsylvania of Scottish-Irish ancestry and raised a Presbyterian, Nevin studied at Princeton from 1823-28, where […]

Category Articles
Date June 9, 2006

By Mrs. Mercy Sturgess of Barton-le-Clay recorded in 1983 at the age of 87. The Lord help me, if His will, to write a few things for His honour. It has been on my mind for some time that I should write a little of my beginnings, as I hope, of a work of grace […]

Category Articles
Date June 9, 2006

An interesting find Browsing through the shelves of a Christian bookstall I discovered a book called The Gospel-Driven Church, a title that immediately aroused my interest. Written by Ian Stackhouse, Pastor of Guildford Baptist Church, it was all the more interesting because of its subtitle – “Retrieving Classical Ministries from Contemporary Revivalism.” The book, which […]

Category Articles
Date June 9, 2006

Sometimes you read something or hear something that takes your breath away. I was sitting recently in a conference listening to a friend richly expound a central theme in the ministry of Jeremiah. He then quoted some words of Geerhardus Vos that were literally stunning. Commenting on God’s words in Jeremiah 31:3, “I have loved […]

Category Articles
Date June 6, 2006

During my service in the R.A.F. the night-fighter squadrons took turns, usually a month at a time, flying a daily mission for the Meteorological Office. This was an ascent over a position ten miles offshore to record temperature and humidity beginning at 50 feet (15.24 metres) above sea level, then taking readings every 50 millibars […]

Category Articles
Date June 6, 2006