Topic Archives: Theology
Abel was the first of that “great cloud of witnesses” whose faith is set before us in Hebrews 11. Clearly all these witnesses were intended to be examples for every succeeding generation, ours included. Abel in particular was intended to be an example of strong faith for us today, for “he being dead yet speaketh”. […]
ReadThe Saviour had been crucified. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus had laid Him in the grave. The chief priests and Pharisees recalled that Jesus had foretold His rising from the dead on the third day. They went their unbelieving way to Pilate, claiming to be afraid that the disciples would “come by night and steal […]
ReadA friend of mine asserts that no truth of Scripture moves him like that of election. When he thinks of the ignorant home in which he grew up, his friends and relatives still in darkness and his good-living neighbours still on the broad road to hell, tears of joy well up in his eyes at […]
ReadWe hear a lot about unconditional love these days – “Jesus loves you, no strings attached,” etc. Does God love unconditionally? Can Christian parents love their children even if these children do not wish to walk in God’s ways? In a popular children’s video series, each show ends with one of the main characters telling […]
ReadQuestion: Is it any surprise to you that there is currently controversy in Reformed and Evangelical circles over the doctrine of justification, or did you see it coming? Rev. Roberts: I was rather slow in realizing the danger, probably because I ministered in a somewhat remote situation. So I did not see it coming, alas. […]
ReadWhat a mercy it is to be able to sing, “Rock of Ages cleft for me”. That is, that we recognise that the Lord Jesus is the Rock that was cleft, who was wounded, who shed His precious blood, for us as individuals. The hymn is based on a number of scriptural analogies. Firstly, it […]
ReadThere are few subjects more debated and more hotly debated in the church today than whether or not the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit continue to this day. We have recently seen a great deal of discussion about this issue in the blogosphere. It is an issue which leaves many believers confused, unsure as […]
ReadShortly before his death on January 1, 1937, Dr. J. Gresham Machen dictated a final telegram to his friend and colleague, Professor John Murray. The words of the telegram were short and sweet: “I’m so thankful for the active obedience of Christ. No hope without it.” That memorable message has been passed down through the […]
ReadSitting in a plane travelling at 600 miles an hour at an altitude of 35,000 feet gives you time to think (I am en route home from the States). The focus of my thinking has been “do” or “done?” This is the title of an address I was to give in the following week at […]
ReadExodus 20:8-11. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, […]
ReadIt should be remembered that by the Lord’s appointments, all sorts of people can legitimately marry and receive His blessing by Palmer Robertson For some cultures today marriage is a thing of past generations. Parents and grandparents may have married but people today don’t bother with marriage. Current customs and tax-breaks don’t require it, so […]
ReadDARWINISM IN A FLUTTER In this book we have an account of flawed fraudulent Darwinists cooking the books to ‘prove’ a theory right by Geoff Thomas One remembers the BBC Schools Series on Evolution in the 1970s and Miss Medawar from that illustrious family giving her best shot with all the cool confidence of a […]
ReadREVIVALS TRUE AND FALSE In short, a revival shows itself to be genuine by its effects upon the religious, the fraternal and the missionary life of the church. [The following fascinating piece is extracted from the chapter on Revivals of Religion in the Writings of Thomas E. Peck, (Banner of Truth Trust, 3 volumes, hbk)] […]
ReadTHE PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS OF CALVINISM What, then, are the personal implications of Calvinistic thought and truth both in the life of the individual and in the ministry exercised by the individual ? by Al Martin B. B. Warfield describes Calvinism as ‘that sight of the majesty of God that pervades all of life and all […]
ReadA Kingdom Which Cannot be Shaken Are you surprised that we have had two world wars already in this century? Are you surprised at the piling of these horrible armaments? Are you surprised at the confusion, the collapse, of so many institutions at this present time? [This sermon was preached by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on […]
ReadThe hearts of all mankind are closed to the gospel, to the preaching of the word, the beseechings and invitations of the Lord. by Geoff Thomas Lydia’s home town was four hundred miles away in Thyatira a city famous for its dyes (there is an early inscription to a guild of dyers there). Lydia was […]
ReadThe death of Christ is the first fact of the Christian Gospel, and its interpretation the first work of a apostolic preaching by Samuel Chadwick The Gospel of the Cross is that ‘Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that he was buried; and that He hath been raised on the third […]
ReadARE THERE CARNAL CHRISTIANS? Exclusive Principles by James R. Graham The expression “carnal Christian” is not a New Testament term. In fact it is a complete contradiction in terms. A “Christian” is a “Christ-One” – joined in vital relationship to Christ as Lord and Head, and by virtue of this union, indwelt of the Spirit […]
ReadNEW COVENANT WORSHIP either God is adored by outward symbols as among Brahminists, Romanists, Puseyites, and other idolaters; or else he is worshiped through ritualism, as among too many who claim to be orthodox by C.H .Spurgeon A great deal has been made of the symbolical worship of the Jew, as if it were an […]
ReadDOUBTING GOD by C.H .Spurgeon “And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul. “-1 Samuel 27:1 The thought of David’s heart at this time was a false thought, because he certainly had no ground for thinking that God’s anointing him by Samuel was intended to be […]
ReadMY SPIRITUAL PILGRIMAGE FROM THEISTIC EVOLUTION TO CREATION I still had no answers to the really important questions that nagged me; questions such as: What is the purpose of everything? A. J. Monty White In Autumn 1963, at the age of eighteen, I found myself a fresher student at the Aberystwyth campus of the University […]
ReadGreenville Seminary Theology Conference Focuses on ‘Communing with Our Glorious God.’ In Taylors, South Carolina (March 12-14, 2002) Reformed Spirituality was the theme for Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary’s Spring Theology Conference. The three-day event, which focused on “Communing with our glorious God,” challenged the participants with regard to personal piety, including Sabbath observance; and also […]
ReadMODERN DISPENSATIONALISM AND THE DOCTRINE OF THE UNITY OF SCRIPTURE the rejection of the Old Testament, in part or in whole, was one of the numerous errors of the Gnostics by Oswald T. Allis No doctrine concerning Scripture is of more practical importance to the Bible student than that which affirms its unity and […]
ReadDO GYPSIES SPEAK IN TONGUES AND PERFORM MIRACLES? If we doubted what we saw or seemed to question authority, we were seen as rebels, unsaved, or just plain unspiritual by Gary Nixon As a Christian brought up in a Pentecostal church, recognised as an evangelist, combining work in Romania and planting my own church in […]
ReadTHE VALUE OF A GOOD BOOK When Dr James Stalker gave the nine Yale Lectures on Preaching in 1891, which were subsequently published by Hodder and Stoughton under the title “The Preacher and His Models”, he drew to his conclusion with these words: A student ought, while at college, to make himself master of at […]