Yearly Archives: 2007
Imagine a prominent conservative Christian publicly announcing that he has renounced heterosexuality and will henceforth and forever be homosexual. Add to the scenario the leader declaring he is dedicated to promoting the glory of gayness and encouraging others to become homosexual. Now try to imagine the mainstream media ignoring such an announcement. Try as I […]
ReadIn this final of three articles on John Owen,1 Jeremy Walker looks at Owen’s classic work, The Death of Death in the Death of Christ.2 Reader, if thou intendest to go any farther, I would entreat thee to stay here a little. If thou art, as many in this pretending age, a sign or title […]
ReadAt about four o’clock in the afternoon of March 14th 2007 the earthly remains of Howard Spencer were laid to rest on the Norfolk coast near where, for the past fifteen years, together with his wife Jean, he had made his home. Earlier, at Cromer Baptist Church, which he had pastored since 1992, there was […]
ReadHas it ever struck you how often the New Testament defines the life of faith in terms of the words we speak and the way we speak them? Writing to the Christian church in Colossae, Paul urged God’s people to rid themselves of “anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language from (their) lips.” John warned […]
ReadA review by Rev William Macleod of Cornelis P. Venema’s The Gospel of Free Acceptance in Christ.1 This is a book for which I have been waiting. The subtitle describes it as ‘An Assessment of the Reformation and New Perspective on Paul’. Having heard many recent references to the New Perspective and lectures on the […]
ReadSince December 2005 we have been undergoing major changes and facing new challenges. On December 31st 2005 I completed 32 years of service with Christian Witness to Israel. Since then I have been serving the church and those of the publications programs assumed by the church when I left CWI. A good deal of time […]
ReadHaving provided this brief and necessarily shallow study of the life of John Owen,1 I want to pick out several aspects of his life and character which deserve particular attention. A general description of his character is given in the biographical note that opens his collected works: He is said to have stooped considerably during […]
ReadBoth Scripture and sanctified experience teach us that our Lord is a most sympathetic High Priest (Heb. 4:15, 16). Because our Redeemer has been tempted in all ways as we are, He can understand as a Man the pressures of our temptations and sympathize accordingly with us. It is, however, remarkable that there is not […]
ReadHe was born in 1712 and reared a Calvinist in Geneva. He came from a well-to-do family and his mother died when he was an infant. He had one sibling, a brother seven years his senior. His father loved his brother but despised him. He gave us cold baths, weekend cottages, and the notion that […]
ReadJohn Owen is worthy of our attention because of his example as a Christian man. In many respects he was a man of his times; in others he was far ahead of them. Nevertheless, he possessed qualities and lived by principles and embraced values which – because they were the fruits of grace – are […]
ReadOn Sabbath the 4th of February 2007 the community of Kinloch on the Isle of Lewis was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Mr Hector Macaulay, 33 Balallan. Although in indifferent health for the past few months the end came with startling suddenness. “Heg”, as he was affectionately known, was a remarkable person […]
ReadFor 16 years David Feddes has preached each week on the Back to God Hour, the radio ministry of the Christian Reformed Church. He followed Peter Eldersveld and Joel Nederhood, two splendid preachers. We heard them both with great profit, and also David. This is the opening of his final Back to God Hour message. […]
ReadIn adjacent psalms, David exclaims: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psa. 11:3) and cries: “Help, Lord, for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men” (Psa. 12:1). There is a clear link between the destruction of society’s foundations and God’s removal of godly men […]
ReadA review by Austin Walker of John Diodati’s Doctrine of Holy Scripture by Andrea Ferrari (Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books Inc., 2006), ISBN #1-892777-98-3). Among Christians John Diodati (1576-1649) is hardly a household name compared with men like Martin Luther or John Calvin. He belonged to the third generation of reformation theologians in Geneva, […]
Read… among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest. Ephesians 2:3. Ernest Hemingway, an American icon of the 20th century, one who, perhaps more than any other writer, changed […]