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Yearly Archives: 2014

Why did John Calvin preach eight times a week in Geneva? Eight times a week! How did he make the time? Was he not writing commentaries on almost every book of the Bible? Was he not writing treatises on numerous theological and pastoral subjects? Was he not the Reformation’s premier letter writer, writing to hundreds […]

Category Articles
Date January 15, 2014

‘I would vigorously recommend Murray’s book, especially to pastors and preachers. Yes, it will convict and rebuke, but also it will instruct and encourage. If nothing else, it paints a sweet portrait of Christian humility, faithfulness, and endeavour which we would do well to emulate.’ – Jeremy Walker enjoyed Iain H. Murray’s Archibald G. Brown: […]

Category Book Reviews
Date January 13, 2014

I met Patience, a young black woman from Zambia, on my recent trip to Cape Town, South Africa. She is attending the Maranatha Family Church in Masephumalele, pastored by my friend Ronni Cronje. Patience, a year or so ago, was riding with her mother on a small taxi van from Zimbabwe to South Africa when […]

Category Articles
Date January 10, 2014

What a pastor learns over the years . . . 1. The kingdom of God does not, and will not, skip a beat when I am sidelined. 2. The church is more important than I thought when I started. 3. Some of my words and actions to which I am most oblivious can be hurtful […]

Category Articles
Date January 8, 2014

Imagine an ideal setting for spiritual revival. Odds are good that the razor wire and guard towers of Angola prison, Louisiana’s infamous maximum-security penitentiary, don’t fit the bill. Yet spiritual revival is precisely what is taking place among the prison’s inmate population, most of whom are incarcerated for life. ‘Dr. John Robson [who heads the […]

Category Articles
Date January 6, 2014

It ranks as one of the wickedest acts of a Jewish king, it has had many parallels, and the end result of them all is a failure to destroy the Word of God. Here’s the story. King Jehoiakim of Judah was listening as the words of a scroll were read to him – a scroll […]

Category Articles
Date January 3, 2014