Yearly Archives: 2015
A review by Mignon Goswell of Iain H. Murray’s Amy Carmichael: ‘Beauty for Ashes’ – A Biography.1 Iain Murray has written yet another compelling biography, this time about Amy Carmichael, missionary to India, whom Murray believes is ‘not known as she used to be’. As Murray read more of Amy Carmichael’s writings he became convinced […]
Read. . . there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, and freeman, but Christ is all and in all (Colossians 3:11). The so-called Charles Spurgeon of America, John Lafayette Girardeau, was born in 1825 on James Island, South Carolina into a French Huguenot family. He was reared in […]
ReadMany people have asked me about the effect of the recent events in France1 upon our ministry amongst the ethnic minorities. The answer is that our Muslim friends are more open than ever to the gospel. Most Muslim are embarrassed by what had happened, not only in France, but also the horrible beheading of Christians. […]
ReadHave you ever read Ezekiel 16? If not, stop now and do so. There are surely few more disturbing chapters in the Bible. Ezekiel has been commissioned by God to bring his word of judgment to his faithless covenant people, a judgment that would culminate in the overwhelming devastation that Babylon would bring to Jerusalem […]
ReadBe faithful until death (Revelation 2:10). We know next to nothing of persecution in the western church. This may be changing. Might we learn steadfastness from the church at Smyrna? Smyrna was one of the great cities of Asia Minor. It enjoyed westward winds which brought gentle breezes from the Mediterranean Sea and it was […]
ReadRobert Murray McCheyne died a young man, yet his achievements were broad, and his significance is consequently substantial and diverse. The focus for this paper is the ‘Life and Sermons’, and therefore I will focus particularly on McCheyne the preacher. His importance in this area is more than sufficient to justify serious and sustained attention, […]
Read‘Iain Murray’s latest work is a brief, accessible biography of Carmichael, I knew I had to give it a go. I’m glad I did.’ – Tim Challies on Amy Carmichael – ‘Beauty for Ashes’: A Biography. In the Notes below are links to selected online reviews of Banner titles, mostly posted March/April 2015. The views […]
ReadOne thing I love about Alaska is the pioneering spirit of independence evident in so many people here. ‘Do it yourself’ is just a way of life for many Alaskans. But this mind-set doesn’t carry over very well to a Christian’s relationship to the church. Many Christians have left traditional churches in favour of forming […]
ReadSatan would have none of it. The Lord had said to him, ‘Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.’ But Satan thought he knew better. He had Job all figured out: ‘Does Job fear God […]
ReadAn edited edition of the closing sermon at the Banner of Truth Ministers’ Conference, Leicester, 2015. The citizens of the United Kingdom are being bombarded with messages from its political parties in the light of the coming General Election. Seven of the party leaders recently debated on television for two hours. ‘We want to save […]
ReadA few summers ago, I had the privilege of working on a proofreading/editing project for the Banner of Truth, a project which has very recently resulted in the four glossy volumes of The Works of John Newton.1 There was, however, nothing ‘glossy’ about the two 5-inch binders stuffed with paper and the slew of Word […]
ReadWithout faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12). George McClellan was born in Philadelphia to a prominent family of high society. His father was a prosperous surgeon and well respected leader of the city. George was an educational prodigy. By the time he was […]
ReadThe following is closely based on an article published in the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, Volume 18, number 2 (Summer 2014), with selected references. The Trust’s publications on Whitefield include The Life and Times of George Whitefield by Robert Philip,1 George Whitefield by Arnold Dallimore, Volumes 12 and 2,3 and Select Sermons of George […]
ReadA few evenings a week, after the younger children go to bed, my eldest, Chloe, and I sit on the couch and we read a good book together. I’m not talking about a Little House on the Prairie book or Anne of Green Gables book, though I’m sure we will do that too, one of […]
ReadThis is the final week of the Banner mini-documentary release. These short documentaries (about 5-6 minutes each) are designed to inform you, or to remind you, about the work of the Banner of Truth Trust. Is there more to the Banner than books? What makes a Banner conference unique? What is the Banner Bookfund? Watch […]