Sinclair B. Ferguson Resources
Geerhardus Vos’ Biblical Theology is well known to Banner of Truth readers and is foundational to understanding his writing. Recently an anthology of Vos’s writings has been published and the book has been reviewed by Sinclair Ferguson in New Horizons January 2006, the magazine of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. A Geerhardus Vos Anthology is edited […]
Read[The second half of a lecture given at the Dedication of the Puritan Resource Center, Grand Rapids on October 20, 2005] 2] Recovering the Pulpit (continued) As you read the Puritan sermons you understand that this was their great characteristic: they spoke the truth of the Word of God in the power of the Holy […]
Read[A lecture given at the Dedication of the Puritan Resource Center Grand Rapids on October 20, 2005] Because Dr Joel Beeke, the President of the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is a long-standing friend, propriety and the privilege of years of friendship demanded that I should come and begin to answer this question: “The Puritans: Can […]
ReadWives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Saviour. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. (Eph. 5:22-24) Submission […]
ReadThe name ‘Alexander’ is virtually synonymous with the story of the first one hundred years of Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey, and is woven deeply into the tapestry of its origin, development, and justly-deserved international fame. Many Christians first encounter the name without recognizing it. At the end of Paul Gerhardt’s hymn (based on […]
ReadDr. SINCLAIR FERGUSON: "THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION." RECONCILIATION (1) by Dr Sinclair Ferguson Our subject is reconciliation, its meaning, message and ministry. How important in a conference like this to concentrate of the Lord Jesus and his ministry. It is possible to go to the gospels and to preach systematically but to major on the […]
ReadMEDIEVAL MISTAKES We could well do with a Luther redivivus today Sinclair Ferguson Althought provoked by the indulgences peddled by Johannes Tetzel, the very first proposition which Luther offered for public debate in his Ninety Five Theses put the axe to the root of the tree of medieval theology: “When our Lord and Master, Jesus […]
ReadFor four decades now the Banner of Truth Trust has been committed to republishing and keeping in print the works of John Owen. All over the English-speaking world there exists testimony to the incalculable value of his biblical teaching in many vital areas of Christian doctrine and experience. For some time now, our associate editor […]
ReadLast thing at night, when our children were small, I often secretly watched them as they slept: there they lay, breathing rhythmically, almost imperceptibly, relaxed, at ease, enjoying ‘the sleep of innocence.’ But man–perhaps especially a father–looks on the outward appearance. What of the heart on which God gazes? Wearing biblical lenses we come to […]