Resources by Macleod, Kenneth D.
The disciples had been imprisoned. And after they were miraculously released, by an angel, they were again arrested and brought before the council. When Gamaliel urged caution in dealing with them, the Apostles were beaten and released. But, although they were commanded not to “speak in the name of Jesus”, they could not give up […]
ReadPerhaps the Puritan John Preston could see the setting sun through a window of the church when he warned the congregation: “Plainly we may see…mankind hurried along to the west of his days…our fathers have gone before, and we are passing, and our children shall follow at our heels, that as you see the billows […]
ReadIn Britain, fewer and fewer people make any acknowledgement of God. They live as if He did not exist; they never attend public worship; they assume that beyond death there is nothing – no judgement, no eternity, no heaven, no hell. And behind all this unbelief lies one highly-significant factor – the theory of evolution. […]
ReadArchibald Alexander was brought up in a religious home. He learned to read the Bible by the time he was five and within two more years had committed the Shorter Catechism to memory. Charles Hodge comments on “the inestimable advantage of a correct doctrinal education in his youth” (Alexander (1772-1851), born into a Scots-Irish family […]
ReadPrinceton and Preaching, Archibald Alexander and the Christian Ministry, written by James M Garretson, (Banner of Truth Trust, hardback, 304 pages, £16.75) is a book which has recently appeared. Although this book is primarily directed to ministers, everyone should profit from the excellent account of Alexander’s life given in the first chapter. Garretson’s purpose is […]
ReadOver the last number of months, a serious controversy has blown up in Evangelical circles in Britain over the doctrine of penal substitution. At the focus of the controversy is a book, The Lost Message of Jesus, whose principal author is Steve Chalke, a London minister and founder of the Oasis Trust, which, among other […]