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John J. Murray Resources

The question of bodily exercise is dominating life in our society today. It is a constant theme in the media in the light of  the growing problem of obesity and certain diseases. We are bombarded with prescriptions for healthy eating and for exercise.  As someone said recently, ‘Gyms are opening up as fast as churches […]

Category Articles
Date October 11, 2016

Church activity is spread over an ever-widening field today. We have national churches of mixed nature, traditional churches, charismatic groups, house churches, fellowships. Happenings in churches that get into the news are mainly about decline in membership, abandoning principles, adopting ways of the world. There is scarcely any news of multiple conversions, substantial growth or […]

Category Articles
Date August 26, 2016

There are ultimately only two voices in the world – the voice of truth and the voice of the lie. We can trace the origin of the great divide back to the Garden of Eden. God is the God of truth and communicated Himself through His Word. The Word created all things, including man in […]

Category Articles
Date June 29, 2016

We noticed recently a leading religious commentator acknowledging that the West will collapse without a Christian revival. There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a rapid moral decay. He went on to say that the West will fall unless it rises up against the forces that oppose it. But how is […]

Category Articles
Date May 4, 2016

As we consider the state of the church today there is much to discourage us. We think of the conformity to the spirit of the world, the lack of depth in Christian experience, the absence of heart religion, the paucity of the fear of God, the disregard of the Lord’s day, the lax attitude to […]

Category Articles
Date March 15, 2016

The conflict over worship today manifests itself in what have been called ‘the worship wars’. In many church buildings you witness a platform with a plethora of musical instruments. If you check out the order of service you will find that more time is given to so-called ‘worship’ than to the reading and preaching of […]

Category Articles
Date January 28, 2016

Daniel Baker (1791-1857) of Georgia was one of the outstanding evangelists of the Presbyterian Church in America. Late in his life, Baker wrote a letter to one of his sons, a young minister, answering the question as to why God blessed his preaching: If you ask me why my preaching is so much blessed, I […]

Category Articles
Date November 20, 2015

‘How Scotland Lost Its Hold of the Bible’ is the title of an excellent address by the Rev Iain Murray, published in The Banner of Truth magazine (Issue 623-4, Aug/Sept 2015).1 It is not surprising that a nation and church that has lost the Bible should also lose the gospel. The two are intertwined. We […]

Category Articles
Date September 11, 2015

Most of us in our allotted span live through two generations. We note that in some stages of history little changed in two generations. But not so in our situation, for there has been a great acceleration in some sixty years. We have seen major changes. We can think of it in terms of a […]

Category Articles
Date August 3, 2015

Although the tendency to self-congratulation is no new phenomenon, the outlets for it have increased enormously. News of the so-called success of a congregation or a Church can speed round the world in minutes. The growth of the megachurches in the USA or the spread of the ‘New Calvinism’ is constantly to the fore. The […]

Category Articles
Date July 13, 2015

We are living in days when there seems to be a flat calm on the church scene in the United Kingdom. How can we explain the current situation? We may find an answer to this by considering church history. Some people would regard times of peace and quiet as desirable and times of controversy as […]

Category Articles
Date April 20, 2015

‘What our generation needs is a sense of God,’ says David F. Wells, who has done more than anyone to analyse the weaknesses of modern evangelicalism. Steeped as we are in atheism and secularism in society and worldliness in the Church, the times cry out for a sense of God. The present situation should vex […]

Category Articles
Date February 4, 2015

We seem to be in a stalemate in church and state today. Problems are multiplying. The situation becomes more confusing year by year and we are in danger of losing heart: people are at a loss what to do. There is a great deal of activity but where is the substance? Maurice Roberts has said: […]

Category Articles
Date November 24, 2014

Scripture and history tell us that the destruction of men’s best interests is brought about by the reception of error. When churches embrace a lie rather than God’s truth there is an inevitable spiritual and moral decline. R. L. Dabney wrote towards the end of the 19th century: ‘While German scholarship has been busy with […]

Category Articles
Date October 8, 2014

As one who owes a debt of gratitude to the ministry of the Rev Kenneth A MacRae (1883-1964) it would not be right to let the 50th anniversary of his death (5th May) pass without a short tribute to his memory. He exercised a powerful ministry over 50 years in the Free Church of Scotland […]

Category Articles
Date September 17, 2014