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Peter Milsom at the Aberystwyth Conference 2003

Category Articles
Date October 2, 2003


Peter Milsom of Newport preached on Acts 16:28 "Believe on the LordJesus and thou shalt be saved," announcing that here was the best news,and stated so simply. It declares that God is passionately committed to theword of God being preached. So he calls Paul by a special means to enter Europewith the gospel of the Lord Jesus. Ever since that time every Christian isgiven a desire to see the word of God reaching the whole world. This is a dayof grace in which men may enter into a living relationship with the Lord.

Faith in the gospel comes through hearing the message of Christ. The men whowent to Philippi had good news about Jesus Christ. People make vows of marriagecommitment. God has made a binding vow that whoever believes in his Son haseternal life.

This gospel meets men’s deepest needs. In Philippi there were three differentkinds of people who became the founder members of its church. Lydia was fromacross the sea in Thyatira in what we call today ‘Turkey.’ She had linkedherself with Jewish teaching, but, though religious and believing in the powerof prayer, she needed her heart to be opened. The slave girl had come under theinfluence and indwelling of a spirit of divination. Paul with all the uniqueauthority of an apostle of the Son of God delivers her from that bondage. Thejailer was the third person, and he was performing his duties when God met him.At a point of suicidal despair deliverance came.

So there is a way to God from where you are. It is through Christ who bore oursins in his body on the cross. Believe upon him. Receive him as your Saviour.Give up trusting in anything but him. Believe in his Son Jesus Christ.


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