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Category Articles
Date November 24, 2005

New Geneva Series Commentary by John Davenant

The name of John Davenant (c. 1576-164 1) may not be one of the best known today, but is one that ought to be known better than it is. A graduate of Cambridge University, at the age of thirty-three he was awarded his Doctor of Divinity and made a Professor at Cambridge. A member of the Church of England delegation to the Synod of Dort, King James I later appointed him Bishop of Salisbury in 1621, a position he was to retain until his death in 1641.

The Banner of Truth’s Geneva Series of Commentaries is both well known and highly esteemed. More commonly found on the shelves of those who occupy the pulpit rather than the pew, these volumes are thorough and yet very readable. Although the series already includes such classics as John Calvin on Genesis, Andrew Bonar on Leviticus, James Durham on The Song of Solomon, David Brown on The Four Gospels, Robert Haldane on Romans, John Brown on Galatians and Charles Hodge on Ephesians, Davenant on Colossians is a most worthwhile addition.

C. H. Spurgeon, in his famous work, Commenting and Commentaries, placed Davenant on Colossians in the first rank of commentaries on this Pauline epistle and approvingly quoted the words of Charles Bridges about this volume: ‘I know no exposition upon a detached portion of Scripture (with the single exception of Owen on Hebrews) that will compare with it in all parts … in depth, accuracy, and discursiveness.’

Well, if Spurgeon could stand on the shoulders of Bridges, then perhaps Brooks can stand on the shoulders of Spurgeon and strongly recommend this classic volume to a new generation of readers. No preacher should think of preaching through Colossians without it, and any Christian wanting a thorough but very readable guide to this epistle should consider nineteen pounds a small price to pay for such a treasure.

[This review is courtesy of British Church Newspaper, November 2005]


This book (ISBN 085151 9091) retails for $35.00 (US), £19.00 (UK and ROW) and can be purchased from the website (go to the book catalogue).

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