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24th Annual Pastors’ Conference in Manila

Category Articles
Date February 26, 2014

The long wait is over. The 24th Pastors’ Conference proved to be a blessed time. Once again the Lord has proven that his grace is truly sufficient. Pastors and church workers from all over the Philippines (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao) attended. The work of reformation expands each year we hold this conference.

February 4, Tuesday.

Everything was in place. The head of the registration committee, Glenn Manuel controlled the conduct of the registration. By 7: 30 participants began to arrive. There were about 290 that registered.

The opening message was given by Pastor Diego Bulatao on 1 Corinthians 13, focusing on ‘The Supremacy of Love in the Pastoral Ministry.’ The second session ensued with Pastor Noel Espinosa preaching on the first of three papers on ‘A Biblical Foundation or Fundamentalism.” Noel biblically refuted the prevailing evangelical practice of ‘Decisionism’ which is rooted in Charles Finney’s denial of man’s inability.

Feeding 300 persons for lunch was not at all easy. Deacon Louie Lim and Beth Pascual manned the kitchen crew untiringly. After lunch, Pastor George McDearmon began his three-part series on Paul’s thorn in the flesh in 1 Corinthians 12:1ff. Pastor McDearmon, with precision, expounded the text. It was very relevant, practical, and very encouraging indeed.

The fourth session: Pastor Norman Hopkins began his lectures on the life of C.H. Spurgeon. Few men can deliver lectures on people interestingly; Norman however did just that. Spurgeon lived.

Distribution of books: At the end of the sessions, free books are handed to participants.

February 5, Wednesday.

The second day usually is the most attended day and people are more prepared to listen.

The first session began with Pastor Norman giving his second lecture on Spurgeon. It centred on his theology of the ‘Doctrines of Grace’.

Pastor George then resumed his series on Paul’s thorn in the flesh. He explained the purposes behind Paul’s thorn in the flesh.

In the afternoon Noel carried on in his lectures on fundamentalism dealing with ‘Spirituality Versus Conservatism’. The afternoon concluded with Pastor McDearmon concluding his series on Paul’s thorn in the flesh. He highlighted ‘Enough trouble; enough grace’. What a message indeed! Powerful and uplifting. Praise God!

February 6, Thursday.

Refreshed and revitalized came the last day of the conference. At this point, it is understandable that the preachers are tired but relentlessly ministered to people. Pastor Noel opened the day with his conclusion in the series ‘Biblical Foundation or Fundamentalism.’ This dealt with the doctrine of ‘Christian Liberty’.

Pastor Norman then gave his last lecture on Spurgeon. He focused on Spurgeon’s other ministries including his well known benevolent ministries. We learned much from Spurgeon. He serves as an excellent example of a well rounded ministry. He was a man of compassion and great learning.

After lunch on the last day we have our Open Forum. Our speakers answered the questions raised by the participants. Questions were dealt with satisfactorily. The spirit of peace, unity and humility prevailed. Praise God!

The closing message was given by Pastor Brian Ellis, encouraging everyone to persevere to be the man after God’s own heart – conforming to what a minister should be.

Finally, the last free books were given. Three different books were given away each day. Please pray that these books will be read and be a means of blessing to the pastors.

Another conference has concluded. Pray that the messages heard and the books given will be a means of continued blessing in the lives of all the participants.

The Lord willing we hope to have our next Conference in February 2015 with Jeremy Walker and Ian Densham as our speakers from abroad. We only meet most of the attendees in our Annual Pastors’ Conference.

Please pray that the work of reformation will continue to find its way in the pastors and their churches. One newcomer sent us a message in our website and said, ‘I have learned a lot from the conference, praise God!’ Another one said, ‘This is the kind of conference that truly imparts theology and very uplifting as well.’ To God be the glory!

Taken from Cubao Reformed Baptist Church Newsletter, February 2014.

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