Web Reviews of Banner Books 2008 No.2
What follows is a number of links to blogs where comments on or reviews of Banner of Truth titles have been posted. The first of these articles was added to the website at the end of January 2008. This article covers web reviews posted since then. As has been stated previously, it should be noted that the views expressed are those of the respective bloggers. . .
For each title mentioned, a link is also provided to the appropriate page of the Banner online Bookstore, where orders can be placed.
Two new titles from the Trust have been highlighted on the Westminster Bookstore website:
Randall J. Pederson’s comments on the new hardback edition of C. H. Spurgeon’s Lectures to my Students can be found here, and John Calvins’s Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, Chapters 1-7 is described here.
The February title in Timmy Brister’s 2008 Puritan Reading Challenge is John Flavel’s The Mystery of Providence. You can find his comments on this book and on the 6 volumes of The Works of John Flavel on his Provocations & Pantings blog. There are also two articles on John Flavel on the Banner website, by Iain Murray and Joel Beeke.
Another Puritan Paperback, Thomas Watson’s The Great Gain of Godliness has been commented upon by Bill Petruzzo on his blog here.
Keeping to the Puritan theme, John, a pastor from Colorado working on his Doctor of Ministry degree in evangelism and church growth at Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, has been using The Valley of Vision collection of Puritan prayers in his devotions. His thoughts can be found on his Once a Week for God blog.
‘A great book from an excellent author’ is the description given to Sinclair Ferguson’s The Christian Life by pastor Doug Phillips of Lansing, Michigan, on his By Every Word… blog.
Finally, Josh Gelatt, pastor at Indian River Baptist Church, Northern Michigan, has found that Charles Hodge on 1 & 2 Corinthians (a commentary in the Trust’s Geneva Series) ‘has captured the essence of Paul better than most modern commentators.’ See his Ephemeros blog.
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