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Web Reviews of Banner Books 2010 No. 4

Category Book Reviews
Date May 4, 2010

‘Stuart Olyott is . . . a master of good communication and clear Christ-centred teaching . . . In 23 chapters he carefully states, illustrates and applies the teaching of this letter. In every chapter he paraphrases each verse to bring home, in today’s English, the train of thought and argument. This is a most helpful feature as it enables the reader to grasp the big picture . . . This book does explain Hebrews!’
(Alan Hill on I Wish Someone Would Explain Hebrews to Me!, Stuart Olyott’s new commentary on Hebrews.)

Below are links to selected online reviews of Banner titles posted during March and April 2010. The views expressed are of course those of the respective bloggers. For each title mentioned, a link is also provided to the appropriate page of the Banner online Bookstore, where orders can be placed.

I Wish Someone Would Explain Hebrews to Me!
by Stuart Olyott

Alan Hill (Montreux, Switzerland) at The Good Book Stall website.

The Imperative of Preaching
by John Carrick

Antony Billington (London Institute for Contemporary Christianity) on billington’s blog.

Concerning the True Care of Souls
by Martin Bucer, translated by Peter Beale

Michael Ives (Rhode Island) on his West Port Experiment blog.

Let’s Study Matthew
by Mark E. Ross

Alan Hill (Montreux, Switzerland) at The Good Book Stall website.

Let’s Study the Letters of John
by Ian Hamilton

Alan Hill (Montreux, Switzerland) at The Good Book Stall website.

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